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Mircea Epure

Mircea Epure

Associate Professor UPF
Director Académico

Mircea Epure es Profesor Agregado Serra Húnter en el Departamento de Economía y Empresa de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF). También es profesor afiliado de la Barcelona School of Economics y la UPF-Barcelona School of Management, donde dirige el track del MSc en Business Analytics. Tiene un doctorado en Economía de la Empresa por la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (doctorado europeo coorganizado con la Universidad de Växjö [ahora Linnaeus], Suecia). Ha visitado la Universidad de Växjö en Suecia y la IESEG School of Management en Francia, y ha impartido clases en la Toulouse Business School.

Epure está interesado en la gobernanza...

  • Management, Law, Society & Humanities

  • Doctor, Economía de la Empresa
  • MRes, Economía de la Empresa
  • Licenciado / Título de grado, Administración de Empresas


  • Master of Science in Management specialization in Marketing

  • Director Académico - UPF Barcelona School of Management
  • Profesor, Business & Management Strategy - UPF Barcelona School of Management
  • Otros cargos, Investigador visitante - IESEG School of Management

Actividad Investigadora y transferencia

  • EPURE, M., MIHAI, I., MINOIU, C., PEYDRÓ, J. L. (2024). Global Financial Cycle, Household Credit, and Macroprudential Policies. Management Science.
  • EPURE, M., MARTIN-SANCHEZ, V., APARICIO, S., URBANO, D. (2023). Human capital, institutions, and ambitious entrepreneurship during good times and two crises. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
  • AMORE, M. D., EPURE, M., GAROFALO, O. (2023). Organizational identity and performance: An inquiry into nonconforming company names. Long Range Planning.
  • BUCHETTI, B., EPURE, M., PUGLIESE, A. (2023). Changes to Accounting Policies, Financial Reporting Quality and Guaranteed Loans during the Covid-19 Crisis. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • EPURE, M., HASANCEBI, S. (2023). The Opaque Scorecard: Environmental, Social and Financial Information during Covid-19. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • EPURE, M. (2022). Corporate social responsibility as a signaling technology. Review of Managerial Science.
  • DESENDER, K., EPURE, M. (2021). The pressure behind corporate social performance: Ownership and institutional configurations. Global Strategy Journal.
  • EPURE, M. (2021). Riding out of a financial crisis: The joint effect of trust and corporate ownership. Journal of Comparative Economics.
  • AMORE, M. D., EPURE, M. (2021). Riding out of a financial crisis: The joint effect of trust and corporate ownership. Journal of Comparative Economics.
  • EPURE, M., GUASCH, M. (2020). Debt signaling and outside investors in early stage firms. Journal of Business Venturing.
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  • EPURE, M. (2018). Household credit, global financial cycle, and macroprudential policies: credit register from an emerging country. International Monetary Fund.