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Alexandra Dominique Theben

Alexandra Dominique Theben

Tenure Track UPF-BSM
Profesor, Management, Law, Society & Humanities

Alexandra Theben és professora adjunta a la UPF Barcelona School of Management, al Departament de Gestió, Dret, Societat i Humanitats i directora del Màster de Màrqueting.

Les seves línies de recerca actuals se centren en les implicacions sociotècniques de la digitalització i l'ús de noves tecnologies, inclosa la intel·ligència artificial, en entorns organitzatius i en el comportament del consumidor. Es va doctorar en Societat de la Informació i el Coneixement a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, estudiant l'impacte del màrqueting en línia en el comportament dels nens.

Abans del seu càrrec a la UPF-BSM, Alexandra va treballar com a consultora d'institucions públiques...

  • Business & Management Strategy

  • Doctorat en Societat de la Informació y el Coneixement
  • Master Of Science, Ciencies Socials i Jurídiques, Dret, política i gestió pública
  • Posgrau, Ciències Socials i Jurídiques, política i gestió pública
  • Màster Universitari, Ciències Socials i Jurídiques, Dret, política i gestió pública
  • Llicenciada / Títol de grau, Ciències Socials i Jurídiques, Dret, Política i Gestió Pública (European Studies)


  • Màster Universitari en Màrqueting


  • Màster Universitari Online en Negocis Internacionals. Master in International Business
  • Màster Universitari en Negocis Internacionals. Master in International Business
  • Master of Science in Sustainability Management
  • Full Time MBA
  • International MBA en anglès
  • Executive MBA (EMBA)

  • Profesor, Management, Law, Society & Humanities - UPF Barcelona School of Management
  • Investigadora - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
  • Consultora - Open Evidence

Actividad Investigadora y transferencia

  • THEBEN, A. D., BOU ARAGONES, B., VON SCHUCKMANN , J. (2025). Micro influencers, mega impact. How TikTok influencers shape sustainable travel choices. Journal of Marketing Communications, Barcelona, España, Timor Oriental.
  • THEBEN, A. D., PLAMENOVA DJOUROVA, N., FREIRE, A. (2023). The “new currency of the future”: a review of literature on the skills needs of the workforce in times of accelerated digitalisation. Management Review Quarterly.
  • THEBEN, A. D., FOLKVORD, F., SNELTING, F., ANSCHUTZ, D., HARTTMAN, T., VERMEULEN, I., LUPIÁÑEZ VILLANUEVA, F. (2022). The effect of source type and protective message on the critical evaluation of news messages on Facebook: an experimental study in the Netherlands. Journal of Medical Internet Research.
  • THEBEN, A. D., FINK, R., FOLKVORD, F. (2022). Playing with fruit: an experimental study to test the effectiveness of an online advergame to promote children's fruit intake. Appetite.
  • BERTORELLO, D., BRICHETTO, G., FOLKVORD, F., THEBEN, A. D., ZARATIN, P. (2022). A Systematic Review of Patient Engagement Experiences in Brain Disorders. Patient Related Outcome Measures.
  • THEBEN, A. D., FOLKVORD, F., HAGA, G. (2021). The effect of a serious health game on children's eating behaviour: cluster-randomized controlled trial. JMIR Serious Games.
  • THEBEN, A. D., PEÑA-LOPEZ, I., ARANDA JUÁREZ, D., LUPIÁÑEZ VILLANUEVA, F., PORCU, F. (2021). Participació i ciutadania activa dels joves a través d'Internet i les xarxes socials. Un estudi internacional. BiD Textos Universitaris de Bibliotecnomia i Documentació, España.
  • THEBEN, A. D., VELTRI, G., LUPIÁÑEZ VILLANUEVA, F., FOLKVORD, F., GASKELL, G. (2020). The impact of online platform transparency. Cambridge Core Behavioural Public Policy.
  • THEBEN, A. D., GERARDS, M., FOLKVORD, F. (2020). The effect of packaging colour and health claims on product attitude and buying intention. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
  • THEBEN, A. D., GUNDERSON , L., LOPÉZ FORÉS, L., LUPIÁÑEZ VILLANUEVA, F., MISURACA, G. (2021). Challenges and limits of an open source approach to Artificial Intelligence. European Parliament, Luxemburg, Luxemburgo.
  • THEBEN, A. D., LUPIÁÑEZ VILLANUEVA, F., MONTEALEGRE OLAYA, A., BOGLIACINO, F., LECLAND, I., CHARRIS DOMINGUEZ, R., SOKOLYANSAKAYA, A., ... GASKELL, G. (2020). Behavioural study on advertising and marketing practices in travel booking websites and apps. European Comission, Bélgica.
  • THEBEN, A. D., LUPIÁÑEZ VILLANUEVA, F., GASKELL, G., LECLAND, I., SOKOLYANSAKAYA, A., VITIELLO, S., TIGOVA, O., ... FERNÁNDEZ MUÑOZ, A. (2020). Consumer preference and perception of specific categories of tobacco and related products. European Comission, Bélgica.
  • THEBEN, A. D., DEVAUX, A., DESHPANDE, A., FOLKVORD, F., MERANTO, S., PORCU, F., RICHARDSON GOLINSKI, T., FEBRER, N., TAYLOR, J., STEWART, K., HARSHFIELD, A., HOORENS, S., ... LUPIÁÑEZ VILLANUEVA, F. (2019). Media Literacy and Online Empowerment issues raised by Algorithm-Driven Media Services. European Comission, Bélgica.
  • THEBEN, A. D., FAULÍ, C., STEWART, K., PORCU, F., TAYLOR, J., BARUCH, B., FOLKVORD, F., NEDERVEEN, F., DEVAUX, A., ... LUPIÁÑEZ VILLANUEVA, F. (2018). Study on the Benefits and Drawbacks of Remote Voting. European Comission, Bélgica.
  • THEBEN, A. D., PORCU, F., PEÑA-LOPEZ, I., LUPIÁÑEZ VILLANUEVA, F. (2018). ). Study on the Impact of the Internet and Social Media on Youth Participation and Youth Work. European Comission, Bélgica.
  • THEBEN, A. D., PORCU, F., PEÑA-LOPEZ, I., LUPIÁÑEZ VILLANUEVA, F. (2018). Study on the Impact of the Internet and Social Media on Youth Participation and Youth Work. Annex 1 Inventory of Good Practices. European Comission, Bélgica.
  • THEBEN, A. D., PORCU, F., PEÑA-LOPEZ, I., LUPIÁÑEZ VILLANUEVA, F. (2018). Study on the Impact of the Internet and Social Media on Youth Participation and Youth Work. Annex 2 Case Studies. European Comission, Bélgica.
  • THEBEN, A. D., CODAGNONE, C., LUPIÁÑEZ VILLANUEVA, F., GASKELL, G., TORNESE, P., VILA, J., FRANCO, Y., VITIELLO, S., VELTRI, G., ORTOLEVA, P., CIRILLO, V., ... FANA, M. (2018). Behavioural study on the effects of an extension of access to social protection for people in all forms of employment. European Comission, Bélgica.
  • THEBEN, A. D., GASKELL, G., LUPIÁÑEZ VILLANUEVA, F., TORNESE, P., VELTRI, G., ALLEN, A., GÓMEZ, Y., ... CODAGNONE, C. (2018). Behavioural Study on the Transparency of online platforms.. European Comission, Bélgica.
  • THEBEN, A. D., LUPIÁÑEZ VILLANUEVA, F., GASKELL, G., VELTRI, G., FOLKVORD, F., BOGLIACINO, F., FERNANDEZ, L., ... CODAGNONE, C. (2016). Study on the impact of Marketing through Social Media, online games and mobile applications on children's behaviour. European Comission, Bélgica.
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