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Andrea Saltelli

Andrea Saltelli

Senior Lecturer UPF-BSM

L'Andrea Saltelli és Academic Councellor en la UPF Barcelona School of Management. La seva recerca se centra principalment l'anàlisi de sensibilitat d'output models, una disciplina on les eines estadístiques solen interpretar els resultats de models matemàtics o computacionals, i sobre l'auditoria de sensibilitat, una extensió a les anàlisis de sensibilitat per a generar evidències en el context de polítiques.

Abans d'unir-se a la UPF-BSM, l'Andrea va treballar en fisica, química, ciències mediambientals, estadística aplicada, avaluació d'impacte i ciència per a polítiques. Ha treballat a la Comissió Europea, dirigint la unitat d'econometria i estadística aplicada entre 2005 i 2015. Més tard, de...

  • Operations, Technology & Science


  • Full Time MBA
  • International MBA en anglès

  • Professor - UPF Barcelona School of Management

Actividad Investigadora y transferencia

  • KEPP, K. P., SALTELLI, A. (2024). Panel stacking is a threat to consensus statement validity. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.
  • SALTELLI, A., OTROS , O., PUY, A. (2024). Bring digital twins back to Earth. WIREs Climate Change.
  • SALTELLI, A., PUY, A., DI FIORE, M. (2024). Mathematical models: a state of exception. International Review of Applied Economics.
  • SALTELLI, A. (2024). The Impossible Moderation of Pardo-Guerra. A Review of Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra’s The Quantified Scholar. How Research Evaluation Transformed the British Social Sciences. Sociologica, A Coruña, España.
  • TARANTOLA, S., FERRETTI, F., LO PIANO, S., KOZLOVA, M., LACHI, A., ROSATI, R., PUY, A., ROY, P., VANNUCCI, G., KUC-CZARNECKA, M., ... SALTELLI, A. (2024). An annotated timeline of sensitivity analysis. Environmental Modelling & Software.
  • PUY, A., ROY, P. T., SALTELLI, A. (2024). Discrepancy measures for global sensitivity analysis. Technometrics.
  • SALTELLI, A., PUY, A. (2023). What can mathematical modelling contribute to a sociology of quantification? Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.
  • SALTELLI, A. (2023). What is Post-normal Science? A Personal Encounter. Foundations of Science.
  • LO PIANO, S., LORINCZ, M. J., PUY, A., PYE, S., SALTELLI, A., SMITH, S. T., VAN DER SLUIJS, J. (2023). Unpacking the modeling process for energy policy making. Risk Analysis: An International Journal.
  • LO PIANO, SAMUELE, S., SALTELLI, A., OTROS , O. (2023). Unpacking the modeling process for energy policy making. Risk Analysis: An International Journal.
  • SALTELLI, A. (2023). Teaching scientific research integrity: A case study. Innovations in Education and Teaching International.
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  • SALTELLI, A. (2024). SCIENZA POST-NORMALE. In: XI Appendice dell’EnciclopediaItaliana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana. EnciclopediaItaliana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma, Italia.
  • SALTELLI, A., DI FIORE, M. (2023). Ethics of quantification.. In: Elgar Encyclopaedia of Ecological Economics edited by Emilio Padilla Rosa and Jesús Ramos Martín. Edward Elgard Publishers, Cheltenham, Gran Bretaña.
  • SALTELLI, A., PUY, ARNALD, A., LO PIANO, SAMUELE, S. (2023). Sensitivity Analysis.. In: Elgar Encyclopaedia of Ecological Economics edited by Emilio Padilla Rosa and Jesús Ramos Martín. Edward Elgard Publishers, Cheltenham, Gran Bretaña.
  • SALTELLI, A., LO PIANO, SAMUELE, S., PUY, ARNALD, A. (2023). Sensitivity Auditing.. In: Elgar Encyclopaedia of Ecological Economics edited by Emilio Padilla Rosa and Jesús Ramos Martín,. Edward Elgard Publishers, Cheltenham, Gran Bretaña.
  • SALTELLI, A., LO PIANO, SAMUELE, S., PUY, ARNALD, A. (2023). Uncertainty, risk and ignorance.. In: Elgar Encyclopaedia of Ecological Economics edited by Emilio Padilla Rosa and Jesús Ramos Martín. Edward Elgard Publishers, Cheltenham, Gran Bretaña.
  • SALTELLI, A., DI FIORE, M. (2023). The Politics of Modelling. Numbers Between Science and Policy. Oxford University Press.
  • SALTELLI, A., REINERT, ERIK, E. (2023). Physiocracy, Guillotines, and Antisemitism?’ Did Economics Emulate the Wrong Enlightenment?. IN: 'A modern guide to uneven economic development'. Reinert, Erik. Edward Elgard Publishers, Cheltenham, Gran Bretaña.
  • KUC-CZARNECKA, MARTA, M., SALTELLI, A., OLCZIK, M., REINERT, ERIK, E. (2023). Free Trade with the Former COMECON Countries as Unequal Exchange.. IN: 'A modern guide to uneven development'. Reinert, Erik.. Edward Elgard Publishers, Cheltenham, Gran Bretaña.
  • REINERT, ERIK, E., DI FIORE, M., SALTELLI, A., RAVETZ, JEROME R., J. R. (2023). Altered States: Cartesian and Ricardian Dreams.. IN: 'A modern guide to uneven economic development'. Reiner, Erik.. Edward Elgard Publishers, Cheltenham, Gran Bretaña.
  • SALTELLI, A. (2024). Modelli matematici e politica, Andrea Saltelli - Un evento di Controversie,. Università degli Studi di Milano.
  • SALTELLI, A. (2023). Models: A state of exception (Inaugural Lecture). Università degli studi di Firenze.
  • SALTELLI, A. (2023). Malleable uncertainty.. Bocconi University.
  • SALTELLI, A. (2023). A climate of dialogue. Living with Climate Change.. University of Bergen.
  • SALTELLI, A. (2023). Scientific integrity.. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
  • SALTELLI, A. (2023). Introduction to Statistics. Parts I, II, III.. UPF Barcelona School of Management.
  • SALTELLI, A. (2023). Reformation in the Church of Science.. Digital frukost. Comunicating sciencie in uncertainty.. Centre for Digital Life.
  • SALTELLI, A. (2023). Scientific Integrity. Doctoral INPhINIT Fellowship.
  • SALTELLI, A. (2023). Responsible Modelling. RFF-CMCC EIEE.
  • SALTELLI, A. (2022). Science, democracy and regulatory capture.. VII Convegno Annuale: Programma Scienza Paerta e Società democratiche.
  • SALTELLI, A. (2022). Science and regulatory capture, at the seminar Science, lobbies and the environment: marking the 60th anniversary of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring.. Norway House.
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  • SALTELLI, A., IOANNIDIS, , J. P. A. (2023). Dette er saken (This is the problem). Morgenbladet, Noruega.
  • SALTELLI, A., NABAVI, E. (2023). Assumptions and consequences: the politics of modelling.. Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Australia.