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Filippo Ippolito

Filippo Ippolito

Associate Professor UPF
Professor, Finance, Accounting & Control

Ippolito Filippo és Doctor en Finances per la University of Oxford, Màster en Estudis Russos i d'Europa de l'Est per St. Antony's College (Oxford) i llicenciat en Economia per la Università di Siena. Ha estat codirector acadèmic del Màster en Ciències Financeres i Bancàries de la UPF Barcelona School of Management.

És professor titular de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra i director acadèmic del Màster en Finances de l'Escola d'Economia de Barcelona, adscrit a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. És professor de finances i de màrqueting a diverses universitats...

  • Finance & Control

  • Doctor en Finances
  • Master in Russian and Eastern European Studies
  • Llicenciat en Economia


  • Master of Science in Finance and Banking

  • Soci Consultor - Oxera Consulting Group LLp.
  • Altres. Director Financer - PENSIUM S.L.
  • Director Acadèmci, Finance, Accounting & Control - UPF Barcelona School of Management
  • Professor, Finance, Accounting & Control - UPF Barcelona School of Management
  • Professor - Merton College
  • Assistent Editorial - Oxford Analytica Led.
  • Cap de Servei - Merton College
  • Auditor Intern - Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena

Actividad Investigadora y transferencia

  • IPPOLITO, F., STERI, R., TEBALDI, C., VILLA, A. (2023). Mind the Gap: The Market Price of Financial Flexibility. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • IPPOLITO, F., STERI, R., TEBALDI, C., VILLA, A. (2022). Levered Returns and Capital Structure Imbalances. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • IPPOLITO, F., STAMMATI, L., ALIMONTI, R. (2022). A Method to Assess the Impact of the Universal Postal Service Obligation. Dir: Pier Luigi Parcu, Timothy J. Brennan, Victor Glass. Springer International Publishing.
  • BIGURI, K., BROWNLEES, C., IPPOLITO, F. (2022). Corporate hedging and the variance of stock returns. Journal of Corporate Finance.
  • IPPOLITO, F. (2021). Credit Lines and the Liquidity Insurance Channel. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
  • IPPOLITO, F. (2020). Debt Structure. Annual Review of Financial Economics.
  • IPPOLITO, F. (2020). Bank lines of credit as contingent liquidity: Covenant violations and their implications. Journal of Financial Intermediation.
  • IPPOLITO, F. (2018). The transmission of monetary policy through bank lending: The floating rate channel. International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance.
  • IPPOLITO, F., OTROS , O. (2022). Institutional Protection Schemes in the Banking Union. Economic Governance Support Unit, Brussels, Bélgica.