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Lucinda Cash-Gibson

Lucinda Cash-Gibson

Senior Lecturer UPF-BSM

Lucinda Cash-Gibson és Senior Lecturer en la UPF Barcelona School of Management i Research Manager en el Johns Hopkins University - Pompeu Fabra University Public Policy Center (UPF-BSM). També és investigadora del Grup de Recerca sobre Desigualtats en Salut, Medi Ambient, Xarxa de Coneixement de les Condicions d'Ocupació (GREDS-EMCONET), Departament de Ciències Polítiques i Socials, Universitat Pompeu Fabra), i membre del Consell Editorial de la revista BMC Public Health (Q1, IF: 4.135).

Ha ocupat diversos llocs com a consultora internacional, gestora de projectes i/o investigadora en l'Organització Mundial de la Salut, IESE Business School, Vall d'Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR), Imperial...

  • Management, Law, Society & Humanities

  • Doctora en Salut Pública
  • Salut Publica
  • Màster en Sociologia i Demografia
  • Màster en Salut Reproductiva i Salut Pública
  • Biologia Cel.lular Molecular

Actividad Investigadora y transferencia

  • CASH-GIBSON, L., DIAZ, A. B., SARDÀ, O. M., BENACH, J. (2024). How do superblock interventions influence health? A scoping review. Cities.
  • CASH-GIBSON, L., BENACH, J., OTROS, OTHERS, O. O. (2024). Improving spatial accessibility to health care services in Cali, Colombia: stakeholder assessment of an innovative platform. Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública, Estados Unidos.
  • CASH-GIBSON, L. (2024). Northern exposure: COVID-19 and regional inequalities in health and wealth. Sociology of Health and Illness.
  • CASH-GIBSON, L., BENACH, J. (2024). Understanding Health Inequalities Research Capacities: Insights and Recommendations From Comparing Two High Income Settings. International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services.
  • CASH-GIBSON, L. (2024). Northern exposure: COVID-19 and regional inequalities in health and wealth. Sociology of Health and Illness.
  • CASH-GIBSON, L. (2024). Current state-of-the-art and gaps in platform trials: 10 things you should know, insights from EU-PEARL. eClinicalMedicine Journal.
  • KOENIG, F., PERICÀS PULIDO, J. M., CASH-GIBSON, L., OTROS , O. (2024). Current state-of-the-art and gaps in platform trials: 10 things you should know, insights from EU-PEARL. eClinical Medicine Journal.
  • CASH GIBSON, L., MARTINEZ-HERRERA, E., BENACH, J. (2023). Why and how has the United Kingdom become a high producer of health inequalities research over the past 50 years? A realist explanatory case study. Health Research Policy and Systems.
  • CASH-GIBSON, L., MARTINEZ-HERRERA, E., BENACH, J. (2023). Why and how has the United Kingdom become a high producer of health inequalities research over the past 50 years? A realist explanatory case study. Health Research Policy and Systems.
  • CASH-GIBSON, L., OTROS , O. (2023). Políticas públicas para prevenir el exceso de peso en México: análisis desde una perspectiva internacional.. Ciência & Saúde Coectiva, Brasil.
  • CASH-GIBSON, L., OTROS, OTHERS, O. O. (2023). Key epidemiological indicators and spatial autocorrelation patterns across five waves of COVID-19 in Catalonia. Scientific Reports.
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  • CASH-GIBSON, L., KWANKAM, S. Y., MEHTA, A., WINKELMANN, J., RAJAN, D. (2024). Chapter 11: Health Technologies. Book: Implementing the Primary Health Care Approach: A Primer. PHC Global Report.. European Observatory on Health Care System Series, Suiza.
  • CASH GIBSON, L. (2023). Towards a Systemic Understanding of Equitable Sustainability in Cities: A Conceptual Framework. In: Biloria, N., Sebag, G., Robertson, H. (eds) The Empathic City. S.M.A.R.T. Environments. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-32840-4_1. Springer Nature, Suiza.
  • CASH-GIBSON, L., MARTÍNEZ-HERRERA, E., MUNTANÉ ISART, F., MARTÍNEZ-HERRERA, J., SALAZAR TAMAYO, M. M., TENA MENA, J., BENACH, J. (2023). Towards a Systemic Understanding of Equitable Sustainability in Cities: A Conceptual Framework. Springer Nature Switzerland.
  • MUNTANÉ ISART, F., TENA, J., MARTÍNEZ-HERRERA, E., BENACH, J., CASH-GIBSON, L. (2022). Moving towards equitable sustainability. A mixed-method assessment of politically committed European cities. Elsevier.
  • MUNTANÉ ISART, F., TENA, J., MARTÍNEZ-HERRERA, E., BENACH, J., CASH-GIBSON, L. (2022). Towards a systemic understanding of sustainable wellbeing in cities. A conceptual framework. Elsevier.
  • MUNTANÉ ISART, F., TENA, J., MARTÍNEZ-HERRERA, E., BENACH, J., CASH-GIBSON, L. (2022). Towards a systemic understanding of equitable sustainability in cities. A conceptual framework. International Conference in Urban Health.
  • CASH-GIBSON, L., VOSKOBOYNIK, M., DFARRUGIA, J., ZOGRAFOS, C., CONDE, M., ANDREUCCI, D., RADHUBER , I. (2022). The Nickel Nexus: Mapping the Frontiers of Carbon Neutrality. Working Papers UPF, España.