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Mercè Roca Puigvert

Mercè Roca Puigvert

Associate Professor UPF
Directora Acadèmica

Mercè Roca Puigvert és Doctora en Management per la Leeds University Business Schooly Màster en Economia i Empresa de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. És la Directora Acadèmica del Master of Science in International Business de la UPF Barcelona School of Management.

Mercè és Professora titular d'ESCI-UPF. Ha publicat diversos articles en revistes i editorials acadèmiques de prestigi reconegut i ha participat en nombrosos projectes de consultoria per a empreses i institucions públiques relacionades amb els negocis internacionals i la investigació de mercat.

Àrees d'investigació: aplicació de tècniques de recerca de mercat qualitatives i quantitatives en els dominis següents: gestió i màrqueting de...

  • Business & Management Strategy

  • Doctora en Economia
  • Màster of Science in Economics and Management
  • Llicenciada en Administració i Direcció d'Empreses
  • Llicenciada en Economia


  • Master of Science in International Business


  • Master of Science in International Business

  • Directora Acadèmica - UPF Barcelona School of Management

Actividad Investigadora y transferencia

  • OTHERS, O., ROCA PUIGVERT, M. (2024). Calculating the true costs of protein sources by integrating environmental costs and market prices.. Sustainable Production and Consumption.
  • OTHERS, O., ROCA PUIGVERT, M. (2024). Assessing the environmental impacts of three different types of accommodations in Portugal and Spain by using an LCA approach. Science of the Total Environment.
  • CAMPOS, C., FULLANA PALMER, P., BALA GALA, A., MÉLON, L., ROCA PUIGVERT, M., XIFRÉ OLIVA, R., OTROS , O. (2023). ‘Small-scale’ tourism versus traditional tourism: Which will be the new key to achieve the desired sustainable tourism? Science of the Total Environment.
  • CAMPOS, C., FULLANA PALMER, P., MÉLON, L., ROCA PUIGVERT, M., XIFRÉ OLIVA, R., OTROS , O. (2023). Life cycle assessment to address the environmental impacts of tourism in a Spanish tourist destination: The case of Rias Baixas (Galicia) holidays. Science of the Total Environment, Vanuatu.
  • ROCA PUIGVERT, M., SEGURA, M., PUIG GABAU, J., OTHER, O. (2023). The local multiplier of income support paid in a complementary currency: Comparative evaluation in the city of Barcelona. Urban Studies: an international journal for research in urban studies.
  • ROCA PUIGVERT, M. (2022). Evaluating the implementation of a packaging Deposit and Refund System in Catalonia. Two surveys on citizenship's expected behaviour. Science of the Total Environment.
  • ROCA PUIGVERT, M., AYUSO, S., BALA GALA, A., COLOMÉ, R., FULLANA-I-PALMER, P. (2022). Evaluating the implementation of a packaging Deposit and Refund System in Catalonia. Two surveys on citizenship's expected behaviour. Science of the Total Environment.
  • ROCA PUIGVERT, M. (2022). An analysis of the environmental and circular economy considerations in European opera sets. Science of the Total Environment.
  • ROCA PUIGVERT, M., OTROS , O. (2021). Sustainability in the Opera Sector: Main Drivers and Limitations to Improve the Environmental Performance of Scenography. Sustainability.
  • OTROS , O., ROCA PUIGVERT, M. (2021). Crisis Mitigation through Cash Assistance to Increase Local Consumption Levels—A Case Study of a Bimonetary System in Barcelona, Spain. Journal of Risk and Financial Management.
  • OTROS , O., ROCA PUIGVERT, M. (2020). Nutritional and environmental co-benefits of shifting to “Planetary Health” Spanish tapas. Journal of Cleaner Production.
Cargar más (10/14)
  • ROCA PUIGVERT, M., SEGURA, M., PUIG, J. (2019). Avaluació de l'impacte econòmic de la moneda ciutadana a l'eix Besòs per al projecte B-Mincome.. Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona, España.