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Promoting research and study of the 2030 Agenda and its promotion and communication from the institutions, with the objective of achieving sustainable growth and development.

This Chair was born from UPF-BSM and the Agbar Group working together to promote the study and knowledge about the future of the 2030 Agenda and the field of sustainability. The aim is to promote research and dissemination of the study of institutional communication for sustainable development and growth integrated into the implementation of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda. To this end, the Chair seeks to address the different challenges of the 2030 Agenda, offering an interdisciplinary vision based on the intersection of different areas of research and knowledge, while seeking to provide useful knowledge for the academic and private world. 


  • The Chair seeks to bring the university community and the Catalan population closer to the main debates and challenges surrounding the United Nations 2030 Agenda. Promote the study of the paradigms of sustainable growth and development through the analysis of the field of institutional communication and its relationship with other disciplines.
  • Promote high-impact applied research, developing possible indicators for the evaluation of policies and international experiences in the world of institutional communication and its intersection with other related fields. To do it, the Chair will seek to expand knowledge of the 2030 Agenda, emphasizing the following specific thematic areas:
    • Institutional and political communication.
    • Country brand and international political/economic effects of the 2030 Agenda.
    • Finance, international markets, and their influence on new economic policies and economic development paradigms.
  • Conducting knowledge dissemination and transfer activities related to the 2030 Agenda and sustainable growth, through the organization of both academic activities and the dissemination of knowledge derived from the Chair's scientific production. 


Dr. Toni Aira

Dr. Toni Aira

Director of the Chair and researcher of academic, research and dissemination activities related to the scientific production of the Chair.

Academic council

Dr. José M. Martínez-Sierra

Dr. José M. Martínez-Sierra

Director General of UPF Barcelona School of Management

Dr. Mariano Marzo Carpio

Dr. Mariano Marzo Carpio

Professor of Stratigraphy and Historical Geology at the University of Barcelona.

Dr. Rodrigo Cetina Presuel

Dr. Rodrigo Cetina Presuel

Associate Dean of Education and Academic Affairs at UPF-BSM.

Related News


The Agbar Chair launches the first podcast series "Horizonte ODS: más allá de un compromiso".

Toni Aira, director of the Agbar Chair, will meet with important social and business actors to analyze their commitment to the ODS set in the Agenda 2030.

Episode #11

Josep Vicent Boira
"El Corredor Mediterráneo, ¿prioridad estratégica?" [March 2025]

Episode #10

Carmen B. Fernández
"La desinformación climática como narrativa manipuladora en las elecciones en USA" [January 2025]

Episode #9

Eugene  Kondratov
"Claves sobre la desinformación del cambio climático"
[November 2024]

Episode #8

Carles Navarro
"Cómo comunicar la apuesta de empresas e instituciones por la sostenibilidad" [September 2024]

Episode #7

Esther Sarsa
"Pisando el acelerador a la consecución de los ODS"
[June 2024]

Episode #6

Jordi Portabella
"Fúbtol y sostenibilidad, más allá del terreno de juego"
[April 2024]

Episode #5

Dulcinea Mejide
"La sostenibilidad y principios rectores sobre las empresas y los derechos humanos" [January 2024]

Episode #4

Bàrbara Pons
"La comunicación de los ODS desde las instituciones públicas"
[October 2023]

Episode #3

José Guerra
"El papel de la comunicación en la sensibilización sobre los ODS"
[July 2023]

Episode #2

Laura Moreno
"Nuevos actores emergentes en las grandes cumbres sobre el clima"
[May 2023]

Episode #1

Oriol Montanyà
"La transformación en las cadenas de suministro"
[February 2023]




Master in political and institutional communication
Learn how to design effective political communication campaigns and political and corporate speeches, and how to manage their communicative impact through online and offline channels.

Postgraduate Course in Executive Development in Sustainable Business
Upskill to become the leader of the Green Transition of your organization. Create value as a manager in one of the central axes of the business strategy: Sustainability.


Contact us if you need more information or if you want to be updated about work and latest news of the Chair.

Toni Aira
Chair Director