Working Papers
The publication of the working papers responds to the desire to make known to the scientific and academic community, as well as to students and professionals, the research that we carry out at UPF-BSM.
- N. 1 - Feminized Boards of Directors in SMEs: Effects on employees' perceptions and firm performance. Oriol Amat and Erola Palau (Download)
- N. 2 - Barriers in Financing Hybrid Organizations. Nina Magomedova y Ramon Bastida (before long)
- N. 3 - Systematic Literature Review on Quality Service in Business Schools. Llorenç Bagur, Marian Buil and Josep Llach. (Download)
- N. 4 - Corporate Social Responsability and the Initiation of Social Disclosure: Differentiating Disclosing Channels. Luz Parrondo and Javier Gomez-Biscarri (Download)
- N. 5 - The Relationship Between Corporate Comunicaction Strategies: Are Social and Financial Transparency Aligned? Luz Parrondo and Javier Gomez-Biscarri (Download)
- N. 6 - Adjustment of IFRS standads with DLT-based tokens taxomony. Luz Parrondo and Andrei Boar (Download)
- N. 7 - Enterprise Risk Management and Earnings Management: Complements or Substitutes? Luz Parrondo and Javier Gomez-Biscarri (Download)
- N. 8 - Diversidad Cultural e Innovación en las Empresas: Análisis Bibliográfico. Llorenç Bagur, Marta Mas and Mercè MartÃn (Download)
- N. 9 - Hacia una Autoridad Independiente de Evaluación de Intervenciones Sanitarias y PolÃticas de Salud. Juan Oliva and Jaume Puig-Junoy (Download)
- N. 10 - Las empresas españolas del Retail ante el nuevo escenario de marcas. Josep Francesc Valls and Itziar Labairu (Download)
- N. 11- Modelo de Financiación Territorial y de Financiación y Evaluación de Innovaciones en el Sistema Nacional de Salud. Jaume Puig-Junoy, Juan Oliva Moreno, José MarÃa Abellán Perpiñán and Natà lia Pascual Argenté (Download)
- N. 12 - Estudio sobre el impacto económico de la investigación y fabricación del CTC en España. Julia Bosch Jou, Jaume GarcÃa Villar, Jaume Puig-Junoy. (Download)
- N. 13 - El sector farmacéutico en la economÃa española: contribución al PIB, al empleo y a los ingresos fiscales. Julia Bosch Jou, Jaume GarcÃa Villar, Jaume Puig-Junoy. (Download)
- N. 14 - AI adoption on employee engagement. Alejandra Theben, Nia Plamenova, Jordi Perramon and Josep Llach, 2023 (Download)
- N. 15 - Are We Yet Sick of New Technologies? The Unequal Health Effects of Digitalization. Melanie Arntz, Sebastian Findeisen, Stephan Maurer and Oliver Schlenker, 2024 (Download)
- N. 16 - Carga económica del cáncer gástrico. Jaume Puig-Junoy, 2025 (Download)
- N. 17 - Healthcare use by adults with obesity and overweight: evidence from the Catalan Health Survey, 2013-2022. Oscar Navarro-Campà s, Nil Criach-GarcÃa, Natà lia Pascual-Argenté, Jaume Puig-Junoy, 2025 (Download)