• About UPF-BSM
  • Programs
  • Faculty and research
  • News & Events
Connect with our community



Join the over 33,000 alumni that are already part of our great network and continue learning, connecting and empowering your talent.

Plataforma Alumni UPF-BSM

Alumni Platform

Join the alumni network through our platform and keep in touch with the more than 25,000 former students from over 20 different countries.

Alumni LinkedIn Group

Alumni LinkedIn Group

Join & participate in the Alumni UPF-BSM Linkedin group to exchange content, reconnect with your former colleagues and find out about everything we organize for our Alumni community.

UPF-BSM Women’s Network

UPF-BSM Women’s Network

Connect with our students and professors to get inspired and share projects with a gender perspective on the world of management.

Mantén el vínculo

Academic Activities

Participate in the activities of your master's or postgraduate program and keep in touch with professors, classmates and other participants.

Keep training yourself #Lifelonglearning

In a society in constant change and evolution, it is necessary to have resources that allow us to innovate, adapting to new scenarios. We propose different options, with advantages in enrollment, so you can continue to add value every day in your organization. Meet our Alumni Advisory Board



Conferences and webinars on the main trends in the world of management and, especially, management with social impact.

Executive Education

Executive Education

Courses for executives and managers of functional areas. Learn about new management trends and improve your strategic decisions.

Oferta formativa actual

Specialization programs

A wide range of training programs focused on continuing to learn and develop in specific areas.

alumni upf-bsm

Alumni Discounts

Being an Alumni of UPF-BSM comes with many benefits. Here's one for you: If you have studied at our school, you have the chance to enjoy a 20% discount on our programs.

Enter and discover the conditions

Show your talent

We want to show the world the talent of our alumni network, highlighting your profile and experience, and making you a reference in our ecosystem. 

Premios Alumni UPF-BSM

UPF-BSM Alumni Awards

Every year we select and give visibility to the projects of our alumni that have generated a relevant social transformation. You can participate with your personal or professional projects.

UPF-BSM Alumni Awards Rules
Entrevista Alumni

Alumni Interview

Share with us your projects, achievements or relevant milestones: you will be one of the protagonists of the Alumni Interview that we regularly publish in our corporate channels.

Embajadores UPF-BSM

UPF-BSM ambassadors

Be a part of our initiatives in the field of Social Responsibility, such as the promotion of female talent or the +40 scholarships. You are our best ambassador.