• About UPF-BSM
  • Programs
  • Faculty and research
  • News & Events

Contact us

You can contact us in person, through the inquiry forms or by communicating directly with the department you need.
Program information
Program advisingWe deal with queries related to master's degrees, postgraduate degrees and courses that interest you.
Admission and enrollment
AdmissionsWe help you with all aspects related to the documentation required during the admission process.
EnrollmentWe manage registration procedures: payments, discounts, and receipts.
Academic secretary
Diplomas and certificatesWe process applications for titles and/or certificates.
GrantsWe provide you with all the information about the follow-up of your scholarship application.
Academic proceduresWe help you if you want to cancel or reactivate your enrolment.
Student services
Center of resourcesContact the library to request educational resources (loans of books and materials in various media).
AlumniJoin our community of ex-students and access all services and activities.
Suggestions mailboxSend us your suggestions. We value and appreciate your help in improving our work.
Services to companies
In-company trainingIf you are a company or institution, send us your queries about customized training to boost the talent of your team.
Organization of eventsContact us to reserve one of our spaces in the heart of Barcelona (auditorium, amphitheatre, multipurpose room, or classrooms).
Press and media
Institutional communicationIf you work in a media outlet and need more information about the institution, activities, and/or multimedia resources, please contact us.
Work with us
Work with usContact us if you want to be part of the UPF-BSM team.