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Alberto Carrio Sampedro

Alberto Carrio Sampedro

Senior Lecturer UPF-BSM
Head of Research Projects

Alberto is Senior Lecturer and Head of Projects and Research at the UPF Barcelona School of Management, and professor of Philosophy of Law at the Department of Law at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. He is coordinator of the Seminar of the Legal Clinic of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

He is deputy director of Fair Play. Journal of Philosophy, Ethics and Sports Law. He was a predoctoral fellow of the Spanish Parliament and the Spanish Cooperation Agency (Ministry of Foreign Affairs). His research areas are Law Theory, Constitutional Law, Rule of Law, Sports Rules, Equality and Equity in Sports, Sports Governance and...

  • Management, Law, Society & Humanities

  • MA in Sport Law
  • Master Universitario, Arts and Humanities, MA in Pedagogy
  • Doctor, Social and Legal Sciences, Law, politics and public management
  • Master Universitario, Social and Legal Sciences, Law, politics and public management, MA in Advanced European Studies
  • Graduate, Social and Legal Sciences, Law, politics and public management


  • Master in Project Management and Culture of Change
  • Master in Project Management and Culture of Change

  • Head of Research Projects - UPF Barcelona School of Management
  • General secretary, Management, Law, Society & Humanities - UPF Barcelona School of Management
  • Faculty - Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • Faculty - Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • Visiting professor - Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • Faculty - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Actividad Investigadora y transferencia

  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2024). Artificial Intelligence in sport. A revolutionary technology that must be handled with care. Movimento, Brasil.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2024). Intelligenza Artificiale nello Sport: Allegro ma non troppo. https://magia.news/intelligenza-artificiale-nello-sport-allegro-ma-non-troppo/.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2024). Perspectives on the democrAItisation of sports governance: Can artificial intelligence empower athletes? Playthegame.org, Dinamarca.
  • CORREA PADRÓN, D., CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A., FORESTELLO, A. M. (2022). FiloBlenDret: una metodología innovadora de aprendizaje colaborativo y responsable en Filosofía del derecho.. Revista de Educación y Derecho.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2022). Sobre la existencia y conocimiento de normas. Algunos comentarios y observaciones críticas a los presupuestos ontológicos y epistémicos del Positivismo jurídico «interno» de Cristina Redondo. Doxa. Cuadernos de Filosofía del Derecho.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2021). The case of AI in sport: Some ethical concerns at play.. Diagoras: International Journal on Olympic Studies, Barcelona, España.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2021). El acceso a técnicas de reproducción humana asistida en centros sanitarios públicos en España. A propósito de la STSJ Cataluña, Sala de lo Contencioso Administrativo, secc. 4a, de 18/01/2021. Derecho de familia: revista interdisciplinaria de doctrina y jurisprudencia.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2019). Introduction to the Special Issue: “Caster Semenya: The Conundrum of Sex, Gender and the Nature of Sport. FairPlay, Revista de Filosofía, Ética y Derecho del Deporte.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2019). Gender inequality in Sport. Introduction to the Special Issue on Gender & Sport. FairPlay, Revista de Filosofía, Ética y Derecho del Deporte.
Cargar más (10/10)
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2023). Inclusión. La asignatura pendiente del deporte. In: Menores y Deporte. Una propuesta de regulación normativa. Marcial Pons, España.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A., MCNAMEE, , J. M. (2023). Strengthening Athletes Power in Sport.. Play the Game, Dinamarca.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2023). Reglas constitutivas, prácticas irregulares y errores arbitrales.. Un análisis comparativo entre la filosofía del derecho y del deporte. Marcial Pons Ediciones Jurídicas y Sociales, España.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2023). Inclusión. La asignatura pendiente del deporte. Marcial Pons Ediciones Jurídicas y Sociales, España.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2022). Ethnic Diversity, Plural Democracy and Human Dignity Challenges to the European Union and Western Balkans.. Springer Nature.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2021). Democratic Principles and Procedures as a requirement of Legitimacy of Sport Governance Bodies. Dir.: McNamee, Mike.. Play the Game, Dinamarca.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A., PÉREZ TRIVIÑO, J. L. (2021). Deporte, Derecho, Filosofía.. Fontamara.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2021). Gestación por sustitución. Análisis crítico y propuestas de regulación.. Marcial Pons Ediciones Jurídicas y Sociales.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2021). National Sports Governance Observer 2. Benchmarking Governance in National Sports Organizations. Danish Institute for Sport Studies.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2021). La igualdad en el deporte. Fontamara.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2021). NSGO Report from Spain. Play the Game.
Cargar más (10/18)
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2024). “AI Ethics & Integrity in Sport”. Congreso ASPC XII International Forum on Elite Sport: Enhancing Elite Sports – Asian Perspectives and Development.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2024). Ventajas, riesgos y problemas de la Inteligencia Artificial en el deporte. Análisis crítico y propuestas de regulación”. Plano Nacional de Ética no Desporto.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2024). Inteligencia Artificial en el deporte. Oportunidades, riesgos y criterios para su regulación. Editorial Hexis.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2024). The Fairness of AI neuroenhancement in sport. Some Ethical Issues at Play. British Philosophy of Sport Assocciation.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2024). KKeynote at the 8th Commonwealth Debate on Sport and Sustainable Development. Commonwealth Debate on Sport and Sustainable Development.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2023). The missing policies on AI in sport. Another failure in Sport Governance. European Association for the Philosophy of Sport.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2023). Safeguarding athlete’s neuro-rights in sport. The failure of AI’s regulation in sport. IX Conference of the Italian Society of Neuroethics.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2023). Framing AI ethics in Sport. The pressing call for a regulatory framework and the consequences of its omission.. Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2023). The Sustainability of Sport in Climatic Emergency. The Sustainability of Sport in Climatic Emergency.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2021). Between opportunity and risk. Ethical challenges of AI Governance in Sport. AI ethics in sport and the future of sports.
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2021). Artificial Intelligence, Techno-doping and Athletes’ Integrity Safeguarding”. British Philosophy of Sport Assocciation.
Cargar más (10/16)
  • CARRIO SAMPEDRO, A. (2023). The Ethics of AI in Sport. Taking athletes’ rights and wellbeing seriously. The Olympic Studies Centre, Lausanne, Suiza.