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Mercè Roca Puigvert

Mercè Roca Puigvert

Associate Professor UPF
Academic Director, Business & Management Strategy

Mercè Roca Puigvert is a Doctor in Management from Leeds University Business School, Master in Economics and Business from Universitat Pompeu Fabra. She is the Academic Director of the Master of Science in International Business at UPF Barcelona School of Management.

Mercè is an Associate Professor oat Escola Superior de Comerç Internacional, affiliated to Universitat Pompeu Fabra. She has published several articles in prestigious academic journals and editorials and has participated in numerous consulting projects for companies and public institutions related to international business and market research.

Research interests: the application of qualitative and quantitative market research techniques in the following domains: international business...

  • Business & Management Strategy

  • Doctor, Social and Legal Sciences, Economics, management and health sciences
  • Master Of Science, Social and Legal Sciences, Economics, management and health sciences
  • Graduate, Social and Legal Sciences, Business Administration and Management
  • Graduate, Social and Legal Sciences, Economics, management and health sciences


  • Master of Science in International Business


  • Master of Science in International Business

  • Academic Director, Business & Management Strategy - UPF Barcelona School of Management

Actividad Investigadora y transferencia

  • OTHERS, O., ROCA PUIGVERT, M. (2024). Calculating the true costs of protein sources by integrating environmental costs and market prices.. Sustainable Production and Consumption.
  • OTHERS, O., ROCA PUIGVERT, M. (2024). Assessing the environmental impacts of three different types of accommodations in Portugal and Spain by using an LCA approach. Science of the Total Environment.
  • CAMPOS, C., FULLANA PALMER, P., BALA GALA, A., MÉLON, L., ROCA PUIGVERT, M., XIFRÉ OLIVA, R., OTROS , O. (2023). ‘Small-scale’ tourism versus traditional tourism: Which will be the new key to achieve the desired sustainable tourism? Science of the Total Environment.
  • CAMPOS, C., FULLANA PALMER, P., MÉLON, L., ROCA PUIGVERT, M., XIFRÉ OLIVA, R., OTROS , O. (2023). Life cycle assessment to address the environmental impacts of tourism in a Spanish tourist destination: The case of Rias Baixas (Galicia) holidays. Science of the Total Environment, Vanuatu.
  • ROCA PUIGVERT, M., SEGURA, M., PUIG GABAU, J., OTHER, O. (2023). The local multiplier of income support paid in a complementary currency: Comparative evaluation in the city of Barcelona. Urban Studies: an international journal for research in urban studies.
  • ROCA PUIGVERT, M. (2022). Evaluating the implementation of a packaging Deposit and Refund System in Catalonia. Two surveys on citizenship's expected behaviour. Science of the Total Environment.
  • ROCA PUIGVERT, M., AYUSO, S., BALA GALA, A., COLOMÉ, R., FULLANA-I-PALMER, P. (2022). Evaluating the implementation of a packaging Deposit and Refund System in Catalonia. Two surveys on citizenship's expected behaviour. Science of the Total Environment.
  • ROCA PUIGVERT, M. (2022). An analysis of the environmental and circular economy considerations in European opera sets. Science of the Total Environment.
  • ROCA PUIGVERT, M., OTROS , O. (2021). Sustainability in the Opera Sector: Main Drivers and Limitations to Improve the Environmental Performance of Scenography. Sustainability.
  • OTROS , O., ROCA PUIGVERT, M. (2021). Crisis Mitigation through Cash Assistance to Increase Local Consumption Levels—A Case Study of a Bimonetary System in Barcelona, Spain. Journal of Risk and Financial Management.
  • OTROS , O., ROCA PUIGVERT, M. (2020). Nutritional and environmental co-benefits of shifting to “Planetary Health” Spanish tapas. Journal of Cleaner Production.
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  • ROCA PUIGVERT, M., SEGURA, M., PUIG, J. (2019). Avaluació de l'impacte econòmic de la moneda ciutadana a l'eix Besòs per al projecte B-Mincome.. Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona, España.