Master of Science, Engineering and Architecture, Operations and Technology
Master Of Science, Engineering and Architecture, Operations and Technology
Graduate, Science, Other
Master of Science in Management specialization in Operations and Supply Chain Management
Actividad Investigadora y transferencia
GREENACRE, M. J., WOOD, J. R. (2024). A comprehensive workflow for compositional data analysis in archaeometry, with code in R. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Alemania.
GREENACRE, M. J. (2024). The chiPower transformation: a valid alternative to logratio transformations in compositional data analysis. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, Alemania.
GRUNSKY, E., GREENACRE, M. J., KJARSGAARD, B. (2024). GeoCoDA: Recognizing and validating structural processes in geochemical data. A workflow on compositional data analysis in lithogeochemistry. Applied Computing and Geosciences.
COENDERS, G., GREENACRE, M. J. (2023). Three approaches to supervised learning for compositional data with pairwise logratios. Journal of Applied Statistics.
GREENACRE, M. J., OTROS , O. (2023). Aitchison’s Compositional Data Analysis 40 Years on: A Reappraisal. Statistical Science: a Review Journal.
NAHRGANG, J., GREENACRE, M. J., OTROS , O. (2023). No observed developmental effects in early life stages of capelin (Mallotus villosus) exposed to a water-soluble fraction of crude oil during embryonic development. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A.
REY, F., GREENACRE, M. J., OTROS , O. (2023). Light modulates the lipidome of the photosynthetic sea slug Elysia timida. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids.
GREENACRE, M. J. (2022). Principal component analysis. Nature Reviews Methods Primers.
LISCHKA, S., GREENACRE, M. J., RIEBESELL, U., GRAEVE, M. (2022). Membrane lipid sensitivity to ocean warming and acidification poses a severe threat to Arctic pteropods. Frontiers in Marine Science.
YOO, J., GREENACRE, M. J., OTROS , O. (2022). A guideline for the statistical analysis of compositional data in immunology. Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods.
GREENACRE, M. J., REY, F., SILVA NETO, G. M., BUENO-PARDO, J., DOMINGUES, M. R., CALADO, R. (2022). Fatty acid ratio analysis identifies changes in competent meroplanktonic larvae sampled over different supply events. Marine Environmental Research, Gran Bretaña.