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Talent UPF-BSM: Meet the 50 students who represented the 2022 graduating class

22 Julio - 2022
Representantes 1

The academic year 2021/2022 saw the return of face-to-face graduations at UPF Barcelona School of Management. After two years of pandemic that led to the celebration of the most special moment for students on screen, in 2022 the UPF-BSM has held more than 20 master's and postgraduate graduations, divided by academic area, from 13 May to 21 July, in the Balmes Auditorium.

During the ceremonies, alumni, institutional representatives, academic management, as well as family and friends, were able to pay tribute to the 2022 graduating class for the great effort made to meet the academic objectives of the master's and postgraduate courses they have completed. The school's management staff and, specifically, the programme management team, also sent them messages of celebration.

The graduates were also able to express their gratitude and future projections through their course representatives, who participated in the ceremonies with short speeches. "Direction", "challenge" and "opportunity" are some of the concepts that the students used to define their time in the UPF-BSM classrooms. "Its academic reputation and the fact that it is open-minded in different areas led me to choose this school for my training," said Hongwu Zhu, a graduate of the MSc in Finance and Banking.

The city of Barcelona, the excellence of the teaching staff, the talent of their classmates, the job opportunities, the personal and professional learning and the unconditional support of their loved ones were some of the aspects most repeated and most valued by this year's graduates. We encourage you to get to know them:

  • Manuel Almagro
    Graduate of the Online Master in Corporate Finance and Accounting Management
  • Enrique Alonso
    Graduate of the Master in Literary and Audiovisual Translation
  • Alan Alvarado
    Graduation of the Master in Public and Social Policy
  • Vanessa Alves
    Graduate of the Postgraduate Course in Coaching
  • Cristal Balabarca
    Graduate of the Master in Labour and Social Security Law
  • Sarah Bawasa
    Graduate of the MSc in Marketing
  • Eric Bosch
    Graduate of the Master in Political and Institutional Communication
  • Alba Bresolí
    Graduate of the Master in Documentary Creation
  • Núria Calbet
    Graduate of the Master in Economic Criminal Law and Compliance
  • Pasquale Carvisiglia
    Graduate of the Master in Accounting and Financial Management
  • Aleix Cremades
    Graduate of the Master in Direction of Digital Marketing
  • Sergio Colomar
    Graduate of the Executive MBA
  • Mays Dahadha
    Graduate of the MSc in Management
  • Ylenia Del Rosario
    Graduate of the Master in Finance and Banking
  • Daniela Echavarría
    Graduate of the Online Master in Public Administration and Government in Latin America
  • Lily Estrada
    Graduate of the Postgraduate Course in Compliance
  • Clàudia Fe
    Graduate of the Master in Finance and Banking
  • Santiago Fitterman
    Graduate of the Master in Pharmaceutical Marketing
  • Leire Fernández
    Graduate of the Online Master in Accounting and Financial Management
  • Irene Forés
    Graduate of the Master in International Business
Representantes 2
  • Lydie Fromentin
    Graduate of the Master in Accounting and Financial Management
  • Felipe Gili
    Graduate of the Master in Sports Management
  • Guillem Gómez
    Graduate of the Master in Professional Legal Practice
  • Naja Groth
    Graduate of the Master of Arts in Communication Management
  • Edgar Hans
    Graduate of the Master in Scientific, Medical and Environmental Communication
  • Ricardo Hidalgo
    Graduate of the Master in Videogames
  • Cian Jansen
    Graduate of the MSc in Management
  • Nora Jordanova
    Graduate of the MSc in Management
  • Carlos Lanzarote
    Graduate of the Postgraduate Course in Video Editing
  • María José Larraín
    Graduate of the Master in Direction of Digital Marketing
  • Sergi López
    Graduate of the Postgraduate Course in Blockchain and other DLT technologies
  • Gloria Manrique
    Graduate of the Postgraduate Course in Executive Development in Sustainable Business
  • Aina Mas
    Graduate of the Master in Tax Consultancy
  • Eduard Mas
    Graduate of the Master in Direction of Digital Marketing
  • Julieta Miguel
    Graduate of the Online Master in International Business
  • Andrés Montero
    Graduate of the Master in Literary Creation
  • Sami Obaya
    Graduate of the Master in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies
  • Jesús Hernán Ocaña
    Graduate of the Master in Health Economics and Pharmacoeconomics
  • Joaquín Pardo
    Graduate of the Master in Human Resources Management
  • Inés Pich-Aguilera
    Graduate of the Master in Publishing
Representantes 3
  • Marco Portillo
    Graduate of the Postgraduate Course in Data Protection and Information Security
  • Sally Pozo
    Graduate of the Master in Brand Strategy and Creative Brand Management
  • Lara Raimundi
    Graduate of the Master in Professional Mediation
  • Yaniurka Rodríguez
    Graduate of the Online Master in Auditing and Financial Management
  • Mireia Romero
    Graduate of the Master in Corporate and Strategic Communication
  • Kamand Salari
    Graduate of the MSc in International Business
  • Dayana Sánchez
    Graduate of the Postgraduate Course in Compliance
  • Luis Alberto Sánchez
    Graduate of the Master in Sports Management
  • Pol Scheck
    Graduate of the MSc in Finance and Banking
  • Alexander Segade
    Graduate of the Master in Sports Journalism
  • Andrés Silva
    Graduate of the Master in Marketing
  • Pol Soler
    Graduate of the Master in Innovation, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship
  • Andrés Soto
    Graduate of the Master in Auditing and Financial Management
  • Alba Suances
    Graduate of the Master in Accounting and Financial Management
  • Florencia Suárez
    Graduate of the Postgraduate Course in Digital Transformations of Organizations
  • Nourhan Tarek
    Graduate of the Master in Health Economics and Pharmacoeconomics
  • Qiqi Xu
    Graduate of the Master in Communications and Business Relations
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