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Twenty alumni give closing lectures to inspire the graduating class of 21/22

22 Julio - 2022

The UPF Barcelona School of Management (UPF-BSM) has a broad ecosystem of talent formed, among other groups, by more than 20,000 former students who have studied in its classes. They are professionals with very diverse profiles and backgrounds, but they are references for the students who this year make the leap into the alumni community.

For this reason, the academic directors of the UPF-BSM have selected twenty alumni from different fields and have entrusted them with the task of giving the closing lectures during the graduation ceremonies, with the aim of guiding the new adventure that the 2021/2022 graduating class is now undertaking.

Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Bayer, Dow Jones, Ernst & Young, Hospital Clínic, RocaJunyent, Rosa Clará and SEAT are some of the companies and institutions in which professionals who studied at UPF-BSM years ago are working today, and who this year have shared their experience with current students. "Any event related to this school and this university fills me with pride, because it means coming home," admitted Carla Vélez, labour relations specialist at Telus and former student of the Master Degree in Social Security Law, during her speech.

Twenty former UPF-BSM students give the closing lectures at the graduation ceremonies to inspire and guide the future alumni of the 21/22 graduating class

During their speeches, our alumni were able to inspire the graduates and advised them to "never lose their curiosity", as Marc Ferré, Managing Director at Bayer Service Center Barcelona and alumni of the third graduating class of the Executive MBA recommended. "Feedback will help you to improve quickly and to see things from a new perspective," said Lucas Leisner, Co-CEO at Gazoom and former MSc in Management student. One of the most reiterated messages was that of active listening, both from colleagues and managers. Naturally, thanks were also expressed to family and friends, since they have been one of the key pillars that, as Aída Moure, Deputy Director of the Institute of Digestive and Metabolic Diseases at Hospital Clínic of Barcelona and former student of the Master in Health Economics and Pharmacoeconomics, pointed out, "have kept you on your feet despite the seven waves of covid that have accompanied you during your studies".

But each speech has had its own distinct message, as have the inspiring speakers. We invite you to read their profiles:


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