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Coronavirus (COVID-19) action protocol

10 Marzo - 2020

UPF Barcelona School of Management is monitoring the development of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pneumonia outbreak.
Here are a few general personal protection recommendations to avoid the transmission of infectious diseases:

• Make sure you frequently wash your hands with water and soap (for a minimum of 20 seconds), especially after direct contact with people who are ill or their environment.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with dirty hands.
• Avoid close contact with people who show signs of respiratory illness, such as coughing or sneezing.
• Avoid sharing food and utensils (cutlery, cups, napkins, handkerchiefs, etc.) and other objects that have not been properly cleaned.
• Keep approximately two metres away from people with symptoms of acute respiratory infection.
• Cover your mouth and nose with a single-use handkerchief or with the inside of your elbow when coughing or sneezing and wash your hands straight afterwards

What should you do if you have symptoms or you have been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed?

If you have symptoms of general malaise, coughing, high temperature or shortness of breath, stay at home and call the emergency health service on the 061 hotline to report it, especially if you have been travelling or have been in contact with people diagnosed with COVID-19.
The Catalan Public Health Agency will give you the appropriate instructions through the 061 hotline. They will assess whether it is necessary to self-isolate or take other measures in each case.
The Agency has increased the resources available to the 061 hotline and advises you not to go directly to healthcare centres.

Should you inform the school if you have symptoms or you have been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed?

In the event of possible contagion, it is important to follow the health protocol and contact at the following e-mail address: info-coronavirus@bsm.upf.edu. If you have any other doubts or questions you can also write to the same e-mail address so you can be given the right responses at any time.

Other information and recommendations of interest

The Foundation recommends following these instructions and those given by the health authorities. You can find further information through the following official links:

They are updated daily at 1 pm.
Other information and recommendations:

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