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Invitation to compete for the "UPF Emprèn" Award

14 Septiembre - 2011

The Social Council of the UPF and the Banc Sabadell Foundation are holding the fourth edition of the Award for Initiative and for Business Capacity, to encourage a culture of entrepreneurship among young university students. The prize money totals 20,000 euros.

The Award is given annually to the best company project or business idea of students, graduates and/or postgraduates from UPF and, by extension the IDEC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Barcelona School of Management. Competition rules are available to view here.

Competing projects, be they by individual or groups, can come from any field of study covered by the UPF (social sciences and humanities, health and life sciences, communication and information technologies or design and architecture).

Deadline for the presentation of entries:3rd October 2011
Award ceremony: November 2011

Rules and competition entry form: web UPF Social Council UPF.
Website: www.upf.edu/consellsocial
E-mail: premis.consellsocial@upf.edu
Telephone number: 93 542 20 30. Postal address: Plaça de la Mercè , 10-12. 08002 Barcelona

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