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ACCID Chair in Transparency and Control

UPF-BSMACCID Chair in Transparency and Control

The purpose of the Chair is to analyse and study best practices in control and financial reporting of organizations in order to transfer them to society in the form of high-value added knowledge.

The ACCID Chair in Transparency and Control at the UPF Barcelona School of Management was born from the joint desire of the UPF-BSM and the Catalan Association of Accounting and Management (ACCID) to study the best practices of control and financial reporting, promoting research and dissemination in accounting and management. 

Research, knowledge transfer, recognition, and training activities will be carried out with the participation of UPF-BSM researchers and with the collaboration of teachers and experts from other organizations, in order to fulfil the objectives defined within the framework of the chair. 


The main objectives of the Chair are to:

  • Produce research that can help companies improve their financial reporting. 
  • Analyse control and financial reporting in the different sectors that make up the economy.
  • Study new trends and best practices in control and financial reporting. 
  • Transfer knowledge acquired through different types of publications and events (conferences, congresses, etc.).
  • Reduce the gap between the results of academic research and its practical implications. 


Llorenç Bagur

Llorenç Bagur

Director of ACCID Chair in Transparency and Control

He has a degree in Economics from UPF, a master's degree in Accounting and Financial Management from the UPF-BSM and a PhD in Business Studies from the UB, specializing in Accounting and Auditing. Professor accredited by AQU and ANECA with more than 30 publications in top international journals and since 2001, professor at UPF and UPF-BSM.

Ramon Bastida

Ramon Bastida


He has a degree in Business Administration and Management from the UAB, a master's degree in Accounting and Financial Management from UPF-BSM and a PhD in Business Administration and Management from the URV.

Jordi Perramon

Jordi Perramon


Vice-Dean for Research. He has a degree in Business Administration and Management from UPF and a PhD in Business Studies from UPF.

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  • UPF Barcelona School of Management and ACCID create a chair on transparency and control [13/01/2022]
    The UPF Barcelona School of Management (UPF-BSM) and the Catalan Association of Accounting and Management (ACCID) have signed an agreement for the creation of the ACCID Chair of Transparency and Control . The signing ceremony was attended by the Director General of the school, José M. Martínez-Sierra, the Dean of UPF-BSM and director of the chair, Llorenç Bagur, the President of ACCID, Daniel Faura, and the Coordinator of ACCID, Ana Quesada.


Llorenç Bagur Femenías
Director of the ACCID Chair in Transparency and Control