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Eduroam (Education roaming) is a wireless communications infrastructure used by the international academic community with the aim of facilitating mobility.

It allows its users to move between the member institutions and have a virtual working environment with an internet connection, the services and resources of their organization of origin and the services and resources of the institution that hosts them; all in the most transparent way possible.

In practice it is as if there is a large common wireless network, called eduroam, which can be accessed from different points using the same configuration and the same access credentials.

Any member of the UPF Barcelona School of Management can benefit from eduroam, as well as any member of the rest of the adhered entities.


  • Internet connection at the time of carrying out the configuration
  • Operating system: Windows, Mac OS X, Android, iOS
  • Compatibility with Java (in the case of Windows and Mac OS X)

Basic data

The basic data of the configuration of the clients are the following:




EAP-TTLS + PAP (Protocol 802.1 x)



The UPF Barcelona School of Management wireless network offers the following Wi-Fi standards:

  • 802.11a, 54 Mbps
  • 802.11b, 11 Mbps
  • 802.11g, 54 Mbps

Windows 10

Open Network and Internet Settings in the taskbar:

The configuration screen will open and we will select "Wi-Fi":

In the next screen we will select 'Manage known networks':

We will add a new network:

Network name: eduroam and security type: AES WPA2-Enterprise. When entering this data the screen will be expanded with extra options.

In these extra options we will select EAP-TTLS and Password not encrypted (PAP):

We save the configuration and close the Configuration window.

Now we can connect to the eduroam network by selecting it and clicking on connect:

Once this action is done, you will be requested a username and password:

This user is a personal user of type PC1234567@bsm.upf.edu and a password associated with it.

Once we enter a username and password, if these are valid, we will be asked if we expected to find this network in the location where we are. We will press connect if the answer to this question is "yes":

Once this is done, we will have connected the eduroam Wi-Fi network in Windows 10:


This guide will allow you to configure the eduroam Wifi network so that it can be used both in the UPF UPF Barcelona School of Management and in the rest of the institutions where they use it.

First look for available Wi-Fi networks and click on "Eduroam":

In the screen that will appear you will have to configure the network so that it allows you to connect. Go to ADVANCED OPTIONS:

Open the "EAP Method" drop-down and choose the "TTLS" option.

In the "Phase 2 Authentication" drop-down select the "PAP" option.

In the third drop-down "CA Certificate" choose the option "Do not validate":

Finally, you must write your username in the format PC000000@bsm.upf.edu and your associated password in the "Identity" and "Password" fields. In "Anonymous Identity" you must write anonymous@bsm.upf.edu:

Finally click on "Connect" to start the access in the Eduroam network:

Remember that this password will be fixed in the configuration of your device, if at any time you change it, you will have to modify this configuration.