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IX ACCID and UPF-BSM Congress | Financial Information and Post-covid-19 Controlling



Carrer de Balmes, 132-134, Barcelona


The  ACCID (Associació Catalana de Comptabilitat i Direcció) organizes the  Ninth Catalan Congress on Accounting and Management , which will take place on June 3 and 4, 2021 at the UPF Barcelona School of Management .

The Congress and the ACCID Conferences are the annual benchmark event in Accounting and Financial Information, whose objective is to bring together independent professionals, academics, managers and those responsible for these matters in private, public and non-profit organizations. It is a unique opportunity to disseminate, debate, and share the latest regulations, trends, innovations, practical problems and solutions adopted in the fields of Accounting and Financial Information.

Added to the complexity and uncertainties of recent times, this year are the consequences of the covid both for people and for companies and organizations, with a profound social impact and economic recession. But crises at the same time are a unique opportunity to achieve transformative changes, and also for accounting and financial information professionals to contribute to higher quality information, better effective governance, value creation, to a function of integrated control, that contribute to achieve better organizations and a better society.

We hope that the chosen topics, given their current status, deserve the interest of associates, professionals and academics, and contribute to the updating and improvement of knowledge, always necessary and even more so in times as complex as today.


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