June 2nd at 4 p.m
We are in an era characterized by the acceleration of digital transformation. The pace of the green economy is much slower than that of the digital revolution and it has a considerable impact on the environment, which can cause a head-on clash between technology and the environment.
We are surrounded by numerous examples of the contradictions generated by the clash of these two economies, such as the fact that the digital environment is also physical. Data centers, for example, are located in buildings filled with power-hungry computers. On the other hand, some achievements of the green economy, such as electric cars, paradoxically have a strong environmental impact. Some of its components, such as batteries, generate significant problems, both in the materials needed for their manufacture and in their recycling.
These contradictions generate a debate between the compatibility of the two agendas that we want to explore on June 2, at 4:00 p.m. in an online session, led by two experts in green and digital economy:
• Maria Salamero. Director of Institutional Relations, Social Action and Sustainability at Aigües de Barcelona.
• Jordi Arrufí. Digital Transformation Projects Director at the Mobile World Capital Barcelona and Alumni Executive MBA UPF Barcelona School of Management.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
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