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Study Presentation

Digital Detox, an Essential Labor Right for Health


Wednesday, July 14, at 9:30 am (CET)



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With the emergence of new technologies within the workplace, accelerated by the pandemic –especially in the case of teleworking–, the regulatory framework for digital rights and digital disconnection needs to be reviewed. In this context, the Business Leadership Observatory of the UPF Barcelona School of Management has prepared the study Digital Detox, an Essential Labor Right for Health, which analyzes the current state of the issue in companies across Catalonia. 

The research, carried out by the director of the Observatory, Sílvia Cóppulo Martínez, and by the researcher Erola Palau Pinyana, will be presented on July 14 at 9:30 am at PIMEC as part of the #rework cycle of confeences, dedicated do the reinvention of work in the covid-19 era. The meeting will analyze through different perspectives the digital connection and disconnection and its effects and will discuss concepts such as productivity, presence, sense of relevance, conciliation, commitment and people' well-being, among others.


9:30 am – Presentation

  • Òscar Armengol, journalist of the Economics Department of TV3 News

9:35 am – Welcome

9:40 am – Study presentation

  • Sílvia Cóppulo, Director of Business Leadership Observatory UPF-BSM
  • Erola Palau Pinyana, Researcher of the Operations, Technology & Science Area and of the Business Leadership Observatory UPF-BSM

10:30 am – Regulation in force regarding digital detox

​​​​​​11:00 am – Psychosocial risks due to overexposure to digital applications

  • Elena Juanola, Director of Institut Català de Seguretat i Salut Laboral

11:30 am – Panel of experiences

12:20 pm – Presentation of the results of the survey answered bu the assistants

12:30 pm – Closing and end of the session

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