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'Don Quixote': obsession with literature


April 28, at 3:30 pm (CET)



El Quixot
"Don Quichotte et Sancho Pança", de Charles Huard

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How was Don Quixote written? How is it possible that four centuries later it is still the most relevant work of Spanish literature?

On April 28, historian Gonzalo Pontón will explain in "Don Quixote: obsession with literature" the main characteristics of Don Quixote in order to understand how it gradually took shape during the long period in which Miguel de Cervantes wrote it. In addition, Pontón will deepen the parodic tone of the first part (1605) and its evolution as a novel based on the author's desire to turn into a satire of certain ways of understanding literature. 

The session will also explore the second part of the work (1615), in which Cervantes plays with perspectives, words and literary styles to unprecedent limits, turning Don Quixote into the first modern novel. 

The webinar, which will include the lecture of some of the most famous excerpts from the play, is the second of four conferences organized in collaboration with the Institut d'Humanitats as part of BSM Inside, the cross-disciplinary subject that the UPF Barcelona School of Management offers its students during the third term. The purpose of this experience is to enrich their education and ensure a training based on a commitment to culture and planetary well-being. 

The first session, "And Shakespeare invented humans", was given by Andreu Jaume, critic, publisher and translator of the English playwright. If you missed it, you can catch it here

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