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Jordi Balló Fantova

Jordi Balló Fantova

Associate Professor UPF
Academic Director

Jordi Balló is the Academic Director of the Master in Creation Documentary at the UPF Bar-celona School of Management, a program from which numerous successful film-graphic projects have emerged, which were the subject of a special section of the Rotterdam International Film Festival (2011). He is a Doctor in Audiovisual Communication from the Pompeu Fabra University and Associate Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at Pompeu Fabra University.

Jordi is a film director, exhibition curator and researcher. He is responsible for the supplement "Cultura / s" of the newspaper La Vanguardia in Barcelona. He was director of exhibitions at the Centre...

  • Management, Law, Society & Humanities

  • Other - Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Catalunya (CCCB)
  • Visiting professor - Stanford University
  • Academic Director - UPF Barcelona School of Management

Actividad Investigadora y transferencia

  • BALLÓ FANTOVA, J., JIMÉNEZ MORALES, M. (2022). The Real and the Spoken: How the Use of Language in Catalan Films Contributed to the Construction of a Sense of Reality. Journal of Catalan Studies, Barcelona, España.
  • BALLÓ FANTOVA, J., PINTOR IRANZO, I. (2021). La Desconfianza.. Revista de Estrategias , Tendencias e Innovación en Comunicación, España.
  • BALLÓ FANTOVA, J., PINTOR IRANZO, I. (2021). Visual motifs and representations of power in the public sphere. Communication & Society.
  • BALLÓ FANTOVA, J., SALVADÓ ROMERO, A., CAIROL, E. (2020). El motivo del bodegón policial. Boletín de Arte - UMA.
  • BALLÓ FANTOVA, J. (2023). «Jordi Balló ens presenta l’assaig “Estímulos. Vida, cine y política” amb textos del cineasta Joaquim Jordà», entrevista de Xavier Graset al Més 324 de TV3,. TV3, España.