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Master in Corporate and Strategic Communication

Máster en Comunicación Corporativa y Estratégica

Master in Corporate and Strategic Communication

UPF-BSMMastersMaster in Corporate and Strategic Communication

Corporate communication represents a pillar of organizations, with a transversal role that affects corporate identity, stories, reputation, and people. The Lifelong learning master's degree in Corporate and Strategic Communication, a program designed for an international audience, prepares people who have to manage and lead communication strategies in an exciting and constantly changing environment.

Corporate communicationsCrisis communicationDigital communicationSocial media

Information session

Master in Corporate and Strategic Communication

Find out all the details of the program from the academic management
Event detailsDate: Wednesday, March 12, 2025Time: 14:30hLocation: OnlineLanguage: Spanish
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Next edition
Classes start: September 2025
ScheduleFriday & Saturday
Duration10 months
ECTS credits60
Price12.000 €

The Lifelong learning master's degree in Corporate and Strategic Communication prepares people who are going to lead and manage the communication of all types of organizations, from the inside, as members of the organization, or from the outside, in an agency or communication consultancy.

During the lifelong learning program you will learn to develop communication strategies for all types of organizations and to turn them into a communication plan ready to apply in a real environment. You will boost your knowledge of the different areas of communication management: internal, digital, media, crisis management, public relations, branding, or social and ethical responsibility. You will explore the possibilities offered by different tools, platforms, and technologies. You will see your leadership, story building, event organization, interpersonal, professional, or media communication skills grow, as well as making impactful public presentations.

All this with a practical and participatory methodology, under the guidance of teachers and communication professionals with great experience, and with the collaboration of different companies and institutions that will allow participants to work on real management and communication challenges.

The Lifelong learning master's degree in Corporate and Strategic Communication is endorsed by Pompeu Fabra University, the 1st Spanish university and the 15th best university in the world (of those with less than 50 years), according to the Times Higher Education ranking. In addition, UPF Barcelona School of Management has EQUIS accreditation, the most prestigious institutional recognition for business schools globally.

Why choose this program


Consolidated path

The Master in Corporate and Strategic Communication was taught for the first time in 1997. Throughout these years it has trained hundreds of professionals from around the world, continuously adapting to the evolution of the profession and the needs of the market.


100% professionalizing program

It has a teaching staff made up of professionals who are, in turn, experienced teachers and who share their day-to-day knowledge and valuable reflections, the result of many years of practice.


Project based on real communication challenges

The master has the collaboration of directors of corporate communication of prominent companies that allow participants to develop their project based on real communication challenges.


Professional internship program

The long history of the master's allows us to have a consolidated program of professional internships in companies for those profiles who wish to gain experience.


International recognition

Study at a school accredited by EQUIS, an international distinction that guarantees the quality of our institution and makes us the 1st school of management linked to a public university with this accreditation in our country.

Who is it for?

The Master in Corporate and Strategic Communication is aimed at university graduates of any speciality.

For people who are starting their professional career or who want to reorient it towards this area, the master's offers a path for specialization, and expansion of knowledge and skills of great utility to join the world of corporate communication.

For professionals from institutions or companies, the program is a key opportunity to update skills and systematize the acquired experience that will place them at an optimal point to boost their career.


UPF Barcelona School of Management has EQUIS accreditation, the most prestigious institutional recognition for business schools globally, and places itself among the top business schools in the world.



The Lifelong learning master's degree in Corporate and Strategic Communication is structured into two large modules and a Master's Final Project that is developed throughout the course. Module 1 focuses on Corporate Communication, develops essential communication skills, and has its common thread in the communication plan. This module corresponds to the Postgraduate in Corporate Communication. Module 2 focuses on Strategic Communication and adds strategic competencies and managerial skills, with an eye toward long-term professional development and strategic decision-making.

Module 1: Corporate Communication

Marketing and research techniques
Communication plan

Desarrollarás las habilidades necesarias para crear y difundir relatos corporativos impactantes y memorables. Nos adentraremos en técnicas avanzadas de creatividad y storytelling, explorando sus diversas aplicaciones en el ámbito corporativo, de marketing y transformacional.

Creatividad. Desbloquea tu potencial innovador.
1. Etapas creativas. Del concepto a la realidad. Explora el viaje desde la concepción de una idea hasta su implementación práctica. Aprende a navegar por cada fase del proceso creativo, desde la inspiración inicial hasta la ejecución exitosa.
2. Técnicas de creatividad. Herramientas para la creatividad/innovación. Domina las técnicas más efectivas para fomentar la creatividad, como el brainstorming, el pensamiento lateral y el SCAMPER. Descubre cómo aplicar estas herramientas en diversos contextos para resolver problemas de manera original y efectiva.
3. Herramientas tácticas de la comunicación corporativa. Conviértete en un experto en el uso de la creatividad como una herramienta estratégica en la comunicación corporativa. Aprende a diseñar campañas que no solo comuniquen, sino que también inspiren y generen un impacto duradero.
4. La creatividad individual. Potencia tu capacidad de innovar. Desarrolla tu potencial creativo personal. A través de ejercicios y técnicas específicas, aprende a liberar tu imaginación y a aplicar tu creatividad en cualquier ámbito profesional y personal.

Storytelling corporativo
1. Estructuras narrativas: Construcción de historias coherentes y atractivas.
2. Relatos de impacto: Técnicas para crear eventos y narrativas de alta resonancia en medios de comunicación.
3. Relatos corporativos: Estrategias para comunicar la identidad y valores de una organización.
4. Relatos de marketing: Cómo utilizar historias para fortalecer marcas y conectar con clientes.

La asignatura se divide en tres partes. En la primera conocerás las claves de la dirección de proyectos (Project Management) con un enfoque muy aplicado que permite convertir las ideas en cambios efectivos. También aprenderás cuáles son las habilidades directivas necesarias para liderar proyectos de mejora, así como las estrategias más innovadoras para la gestión de equipos. En la segunda parte, reflexionarás sobre lo que significa, en la práctica, aprender a liderar y generar cambios, tanto en ti mismo como en otras personas (colaboradores, clientes, colegas, etc.), preparándote para ser un agente de transformación efectiva en tu entorno profesional. En la tercera parte aprenderás de forma práctica y asequible conceptos de contabilidad y finanzas para no financieros.

Primera parte:
1. Historia y conceptos básicos de Project Management
2. Técnicas y herramientas para la gestión óptima de proyectos
3. La metodología Agile para adaptarse a los cambios
4. Habilidades directivas: Los seis estilos de liderazgo de Daniel Goleman
5. Claves organizativas para mejorar el desarrollo del talento

Segunda parte:
1. Trabajar las propias habilidades directivas ¿por qué?
2. La automotivación como punto de partida
3. Conductas de los líderes inspiradores… ¿se pueden adquirir?
4. Las cinco etapas de carrera directiva
5. Las bases de la “eficacia” profesional

Tercera parte:
En la tercera parte, se explican el ciclo contable, la cuenta de explotación y el balance de situación. Todo ello orientado a la comprensión, análisis e interpretación de estos estados financieros, y no tanto a su formulación. A continuación, se explican las herramientas de la contabilidad de costes necesarias para preparar, presentar y negociar un presupuesto.

El Trabajo Final de Máster consiste en un proyecto de gestión comunicativa, o plan de comunicación, enfocado a resolver un reto, caso o situación concreta que puede ser aportada por los participantes o bien elegida entre varias que serán propuestas y presentadas por directores de comunicación de distintas empresas y entidades. Cuando se trata de contribuciones de los participantes, el enfoque del proyecto se acuerda con la dirección del Máster. En todos los casos, se trata de situaciones reales.

Para preparar el trabajo final de Máster, se imparten una serie de sesiones en las que se trabajan competencias fundamentales para desarrollar proyectos de comunicación estratégica, desde su conceptualización hasta su implementación y posterior evaluación. Se tratan aspectos como metodología de innovación, project management, preparación de presupuestos y cálculo de costes, etc. También se incluyen en este apartado la realización del briefing y contrabriefing del proyecto, así como distintas prácticas y dinámicas (estudio de casos, juegos de rol, sesiones de socialización, etc.) encaminadas a facilitar a los participantes el desarrollo de sus trabajos.

El trabajo se realiza en equipos de dos personas. Se sugiere que los equipos estén formados por personas con edades, procedencia, formación y experiencia profesional distintas para que la heterogeneidad y la diversidad aporten un valor añadido. Aquellos participantes que deseen realizar el proyecto de forma individual podrán hacerlo previa aprobación de la dirección del Máster. En todos los casos, se contará con el apoyo de un profesor que ejercerá como mentor.

En la elaboración del TFM se seguirán las pautas facilitadas en las distintas asignaturas del Máster, de modo particular en la dedicada al Plan de Comunicación. El TFM deberá caracterizarse por un enfoque global y estratégico de la comunicación corporativa en la organización de referencia, aunque podrá dedicar un foco especial a determinados aspectos o ámbitos concretos (digital, interno, crisis, RSC, etc.) si el proyecto lo requiere. En el trabajo, los participantes aplican los conocimientos adquiridos, y ponen en práctica habilidades directivas relacionadas con la presentación oral y escrita.

Las soluciones se presentan ante un tribunal que incluye tanto profesores del Máster como el director de Comunicación que propuso el encargo, cuando corresponda. La presentación oral transmite, de forma sintética, los resultados del proyecto al resto de participantes, forma parte de la asignatura y es de asistencia obligatoria para todos los participantes. Asimismo, si el autor o los autores lo autorizan, el trabajo, formará parte del repositorio digital de TFMs.

En ediciones anteriores del Máster han participado aportando casos para el TFM directores y directoras de comunicación de empresas e instituciones como Airbnb, Allianz, Baleària, Banc dels Aliments, Banc Sabadell, BASF, Bayer, Caprabo, Cellnex, Coca-Cola, Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya, Col·legi de l’Advocacia de Barcelona, Cuatrecasas Advocats, F.C. Barcelona, Fira de Barcelona, Fluidra, Fundació “La Caixa”, Fundació F.C. Barcelona, Fundación Colacao, Gran Teatre del Liceu, Institut Català de la Salut, Laboratorios Uriach, Mercabarna, Nissan, Petronor, RACC, Sagrada Família, Sanofi, SEAT, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, VidaCaixa y Vueling, entre otras.

Note on the Curriculum

The information contained in these pages is for information purposes only and may be subject to change in the adaptation of each academic year. The definitive guide will be available to students in the virtual space before the start of each subject.

Complementary activities

The Master in Corporate and Strategic Communication also includes the possibility of participating in practical activities and activities for personal and professional growth such as:

  • UPF-BSM Inside: is a group of interdisciplinary subjects (applied data, communication, creativity, innovation and project management, sustainability and leadership among others) that, if you take this program, you can access at no additional cost. They are 100% online and you can take them throughout the academic year at your own pace, as they have been designed as self-study subjects.
  • International mobility: The UPF Barcelona School of Management offers you the possibility of expanding your training and international vision through the International Mobility Programme. Extend your studies extracurricularly, during the academic year following the completion of your Master's, at a top-level institution. Limited places.

Qualification obtained

Once you have passed the program, you will receive the following electronic degree certification (eTítulo©): Lifelong learning master's degree in Corporate and Strategic Communication, awarded by the Pompeu Fabra University. The eTítulo© will be issued in Catalan, Spanish and English.

The electronic degree certification (eTítulo© ) is an authentic digital degree, issued in pdf format and electronically signed, with the same legal validity as if it were in paper format.


The Master in Corporate and Strategic Communication is a professionalizing master's degree. It has a teaching staff made up of professionals who are, in turn, experienced teachers who share their knowledge and valuable reflections, the result of many years of practice.

Academic directors


Collaborating faculty

  • Daniel Ayuso
    Partner and creative director at Clase BCN Comunicació. Bachelor of Arts in Design from the Winchester School of Arts at Southampton University. Professor at Elisava. Former president of the ADG at FAD.
  • Belén Badia
    Chief People & Culture Officer at Uriach, with responsibility for the global management of People, Communication and IT.
    Degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona. Master in European Training at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Executive in People Management at ESADE and PDG at IESE, ESADE-CEOE Senior Management Program for Women.
  • Josep Maria Brugués
    Consultant specialized in corporate and crisis communications. He holds a degree in Information Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and a postgraduate degree in Public Relations from the University of Washington at Seattle (USA). He has been Director of Communication at Roche Diagnostics, University of Girona, Blanquerna Communication Faculty, BBDO Group and Port Aventura.
  • Santiago Cabrera
    Founder and CEO of Solo Advertising.
    Degree in Information Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Master in Marketing from ESADE (1988).
  • Joan Còdol
    General Manager of Projects and Events at Grupo Focus.
  • Anna Diloy
    Director of Tinkle Consultants Barcelona. Degree in Journalism from Pompeu Fabra University.
  • Gisela Enseñat
    Office of External Relations and Protocol of the President’s Office of the Generalitat of Catalonia
  • Ariel Guersenzvaig
    Independent consultant. PhD in Design Theory from the School of Management and Law at Southampton University. Head of the Graphic and Interactive Design Area at Elisava School of Design and Engineering. Director of the Master in Design and Project Management for Internet at Elisava.
  • Samanta Júdez
    General Manager DDB Barcelona.
    Degree in Advertising from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Professor of Communication at the University of Barcelona. Former head of Advertising Research at Ipsos. Master in Internet Business and PDG by IESE.
  • Aurora Masip
    Journalist and communications consultant.
    Degree in Journalism from Pompeu Fabra University. Former Director of Communications at the Blood and Tissue Bank. Former spokesperson for the Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
  • Jordi Mateu
    Founding partner and CEO of Summa. Degree in Business Administration and MBA from ESADE and degree in Services & Cultural Industries Management from IESE.
  • Mich Micenmacher
    Communication consultant and professor at Elisava.
  • Eric Mottard
    Co-founder and CEO of the Eventoplus Group.
  • Ana Palencia
    Director of Communication and Sustainability at Unilever.
  • Ferran Pastor
    Public relations manager of Futbol Club Barcelona.
  • Eva Pedrol
    Senior Director at LLYC Barcelona, where she leads the area of Corporate Communication and Crisis and Risks.
    Master in Communication Management from UPF-Barcelona School of Management. She has worked at the EFE news agency and at the UNICEF Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Víctor Puig
    Founder and director of the online marketing and communications agency Zinkdo Digital and Vice President of Consultancy & Content Services at Adsmurai.
    He holds a degree in Information Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and a European Master in Interactive Communication, Telecommunications and Multimedia from the same university.
  • Ferran Ramon-Cortés
    Director of the 5 Fars Institute of Communication. MBA from ESADE. Specialist in interpersonal communication and writer.
  • Genís Roca
    Expert in digital transformation in organizations, digital strategy and environmental analysis. Archaeologist specialized in Lower Paleolithic and MBA from ESADE. Director of the Postgraduate in Digital Transformation of Organizations at UPF-Barcelona School of Management. He has been general director of Infonomia and, previously, he was in charge of the internet area of the Universidad Oberta de Cataluña.
  • Joaquim Romañach
    Technical Director of Institutional Events and Protocol at the Barcelona City Council.
  • Núria Rodríguez
    Head of External Relations and Protocol of the Department of Research and Universities of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
  • Anna Sánchez
    Director of the brand's area in Atrevia. Bachelor in Information Sciences from the University of Barcelona.
  • Álex Santos
    Director of Communications at FC Barcelona.
  • Pilar Yépez
    Partner and executive creative director at ÚbicaBelow, an agency specializing in digital marketing and communication. Degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Seville. Professor at ICEMD.



The Master in Corporate and Strategic Communication has an eminently practical approach and is aimed at promoting active learning.

The teachers are active professionals with extensive teaching experience that guarantees a high level of teaching. It also has, on an occasional basis, guests and experts who will provide you with complementary views from different fields and sectors.

During the course the exposition is combined with case methods, presentations made by students, role plays, and workshops.

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100% professionalizing

You will learn under the guidance of a teaching staff made up of active professionals with extensive professional and teaching experience.


Practical and participatory methodology

The program combines lectures with real and current practical cases, workshops, and role-playing sessions.


Project based on real communication challenges

The program has the collaboration of directors of communication of companies that allow participants to act as communication consultants through their Master's Final Project projects.

Through the project, participants will have to solve current, real and complex communication challenges, which they will later present to the directors of communication and other professors of the program.


Collaborating companies on the Master's Final Project

Companies and institutions such as Nissan, Bayer, Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya, Balearia, Cuatrecasas Advocats, BASF, Sanofi, SEAT, FC Barcelona, Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya, Grup Lavínia, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, RACC, Mercabarna, Uriach, the Blood and Tissue Bank, the Barcelona Bar Association, the Liceu Theatre, Unilever, Nestlé, Banc Sabadell, the Sagrada Família and Caprabo, among others have contributed challenges for the Final Master's Thesis.


Project mentoring

Each student is assigned a mentor who will act as a guide for their project and challenge the student's thinking and ideas.


The Master's Final Project and its defence before a committee is one of the pillars of the program's evaluation system. The assignments and activities (individual or team) that are commissioned in the different subjects, multiple choice exams, and class attendance are also used.


The On-Campus&Live methodology allows you to follow the program in person and also remotely.

In this modality, two stable subgroups are opened that will coexist throughout the course: one face-to-face and the other with 100% remote students. The remote students (a maximum of 15 places per course) will follow the program in a synchronous way with the face-to-face students. That is, they will share the same school calendar and schedule as the face-to-face students.

Project-oriented learning and the combination of lectures and active methodologies such as case studies, flipped learning, solving real problems, and professional simulations allow the student to connect theory and practice, acquire advanced skills, and achieve learning which is transferable to the job. The face-to-face modality is enriched with elements of online programs (virtual learning environment, multimedia resources, among others) so that the learning experience of the two subgroups is equally satisfactory.

You will have:

  • Master's or postgraduate work to learn by doing
  • A personal mentor to monitor your Master's Final Project or Postgraduate Final Project
  • Digital resources to achieve transversal skills
  • Interdisciplinary activities and workshops
  • Digital resources and audiovisual blocks for online learning
  • Active methodologies for transferable learning


Professional Future

The Master in Corporate and Strategic Communication brings together participants from all over the world who want to project or boost their professional career towards the field of corporate communication, corporate identity, social responsibility, business communication, event organization, etc.

Training with a clear practical and professional orientation will provide you with the necessary tools to develop quality work in the field of business communication.

Student profile

The master brings together students with degrees mainly in Communication, Journalism, Advertising, Marketing, and Public Relations. However, it is open to multiple studies and there are also students from Law, Political Science, Philology, and Business Administration, among others.

The master has an international reputation and welcomes participants from more than 12 countries.


Average age


Average number of years of professional experience


International students

Career opportunities

The Master in Corporate and Strategic Communication will provide you with the necessary knowledge to develop your professional career in the field of corporate communication, either in the communication department of a company or in institutions, agencies and communication consultancies.

The master's degree includes extracurricular internships.

  • Communication and Strategy Department
  • Public/External Relations Department
  • Institutional Relations Department
  • Internal Communication Department
  • Head of Communication and Strategic Projects
  • Head of Press Office/Relations with the Media
  • Head of digital projects
  • Community Manager