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Másters en Contabilidad y Finanzas

Masters in Accounting and Finance

UPF-BSMAccounting and Finance

Our master programs in the area of Accounting and Finance are a benchmark in the business world.

Accounting and Finance

Mastering the key aspects of tax consultancy, financial markets and accounting management will strengthen your future. The master programs at the UPF Barcelona School of Management offer an education in economics and finance aimed at developing your skills in fields such as controlling, tax aspects, banking, corporate finance, financial markets and accounting management. 

Prestigious lecturers from the UPF-BSM and Pompeu Fabra University and renowned professionals from leading companies in the sector teach a wide range of master programs in Spanish and English, with on-campus, blended or online learning formats, including customized training, so you can continue learning no matter what your professional situation or your location. 

Sala de estudio UPF-BSM

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