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Mercadona Chair of Circular Economy

UPF-BSMMercadona Chair of circular economy

The Mercadona Chair in Circular Economy seeks to become a benchmark generator of knowledge to better understand the role of the agri-food industry and the distribution sector when facing the challenge of the transition towards the circular economy.

mercadona logo chair
Mercadona Logo

To stimulate and structure the debate, we have identified five macro topics on which to arrange the knowledge generated during the 2020–23 period of the Chair.

macro topics in circular economy


The objectives of generating and disseminating the knowledge of the Mercadona Chair in Circular Economy are achieved through research and knowledge transfer instruments that range from the analysis and development of scientific articles, through direct participation in events and conferences, to the generation of real cases and informative articles that serve as models of good practice. Each of these activities is related to one of the five macro themes.

  • Generate knowledge on issues related to the circular economy and its application in the distribution sector through studies that will analyse and identify relevant information that may be of interest to managers and consumers
  • Disseminate the knowledge generated through conferences, workshops, and other collaborative activities.
Circular Economy UPF-BSM and Mercadona Chair


The Mercadona Chair in Circular Economy has a team of researchers of excellent academic quality and professional experience with specialties in different areas of management knowledge such as marketing, communication, and finance, as well as technical fields, and independent experts in circular economy and business.

Carolina Luis

Chair Director
PhD  in Business from the University of Barcelona, MBA from IESA (Caracas), Computer Engineering from the Simón Bolívar University (Caracas)

Research Team

  • Alba Bala, UPF-ESCI Research Professor
  • Laura Batlle, UPF-ESCI Research Professor
  • Andrei Boar, UPF-BSM Professor/Researcher
  • Alba Cabañas, Independent Consultant
  • Pere Fullana, UPF-ESCI Research Professor
  • Carolina Luis Bassa, UPF-BSM Professor/Researcher
  • Roger Pagá, UPF-BSM Professor/Researcher
  • Antonio Romero, Director of Circular Economy at Mercadona


Scientific articles

Informative articles


Case studies


Other projects carried out at UPF and at the UPF-BSM related to Circular Economy
