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ACCID and UPF-BSM collect in a publication methodologies for measuring the social impact of organizations

3 Marzo - 2022
Càtedra ACCID

The Catalan Association of Accounting and Management (ACCID) and the UPF Barcelona School of Management (UPF-BSM) have published Measuring and managing the 'social impact of organizations (2021), the 32nd issue of the Journal of Accounting and Management, which explains the conceptual basis of social impact and compiles practical applications. The publication includes the case of Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB), of which the UPF-BSM carried out a study that estimated its social, economic and environmental impact at 2.4 billion euros.

In this context, the ACCID Chair in Transparency and Control of the UPF- BSM has organized the conference Measuring the social and environmental impact of organizations: the case of Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB).

The event, has presented various methodologies for measuring and managing the social and environmental impact generated by companies, third sector organisations and public entities, among others.  Prof. Llorenç Bagur, Dean of the UPF-BSM and Director of the ACCID Chair in Transparency and Control; Prof. Ramon Bastida, Vice-Dean of Knowledge Transfer at UPF-BSM and Coordinator of the 32nd issue of the Revista de Comptabilitat i Direcció and Ms. Erola Palau Pinyana, Researcher at UPF-BSM and author of the study case of TMB have been the main keynote speakers of the event.

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