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The ACM starts the 5th edition of the Postgraduate in Leadership and Local Governance at UPF Barcelona School of Management

14 Octubre - 2021

The Catalan Association of Municipalities (ACM) has started at UPF Barcelona School of Management the fifth edition of the Postgraduate in Leadership and Local Governance. In the opening act were the Director General of UPF-BSM, José M. Martínez-Sierra; the president of the ACM, Lluís Soler; Carles Ramió, commissioner of the rector for the UPF-BSM and Josep M. Galí, vice-dean of Development & Partner Programs.

The Director General of UPF-BSM has thanked the ACM for choosing the school to continue with the 5th edition of the program. "The UPF is the first university in the country, the 4th in Europe and the 10th in the world of young universities, it is a reference in knowledge and we celebrate sharing it with the elected representatives of the country," Martinez-Sierra noted.

"I would like to point out that the programme attendees have greatly appreciated the previous course and I would also like to underline that we are very pleased about your confidence, thank you for being here, this is your home"

"I want to stress that the programme's assistants have valued the previous course very positively and I would also like to stress that we are very pleased with your confidence, thank you for being here, this is your home," added the director-general, who wanted to value "the merit of the teachers referring to this postgraduate, who have experience in management positions and are connected to the territory."

Soler has noted that "an increasingly demanding society, demands from public servants responses to increasingly difficult and unexpected problems and situations. The pandemic was an example." For this reason, he has emphasized the importance of training in municipal leadership as "the best tool for seeking and offering better service to our neighbours and neighbors" and because " Leadership is not something born on account of office or election winning; it must be worked every day".

Finally encouraged students to enjoy and take full advantage of the course and noted that "It is an honour to collaborate with the UPF-BSM, a guarantee of quality and demand".

“An increasingly demanding society, calling on public servants to respond to increasingly difficult and unexpected problems and situations. The pandemic was an example"

The postgraduate is taught at UPF Barcelona School of Management and is the result of the collaboration between this institution and the ACM, through the Fundació Aula d'Alts Estudis d'Electes. The programme provides training geared to the preparation of elected representatives so that they can adapt and can respond appropriately to the needs of a constantly changing society. Thus, it is structured around three axes of knowledge: political performance and public management, communication and political action and perfecting leadership and personal skills.

The postgraduate, which has 14 pupils, is taught on Thursdays, in morning and afternoon hours until October 2022 and combines eye sessions (8 in total) and virtual sessions (30 in total).

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