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Argentina: communication in times of crisis, theme of the IV Meeting of the Advisory Council

1 Enero - 2010

On December 1 st, the IV Annual Meeting of the IDEC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra Advisory Council was held in Argentina at the Hotel Palacio Duhau de Buenos Aires. Entitled ?Media, companies and institutions in conflict: communication in times of economic, institutional and health crises?, the session was opened by the President of the Advisory Council, J. Pérez Alati, and Daniel Vitali, representative for IDEC in Argentina.

The meeting comprised two round tables. The first one composed by academic profiles was presented by Joan Francesc Cànovas, deputy director of the Master's in Communication Management; Guillermo Jaim Etxeverry, president of the Fundación Carolina in Argentina; Lilian Páez, research chair in institutional communication from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, and Luis Alberto Quevedo, director of the FLASCO Communication Programme in Argentina, with Martín Etchevers, external communications manager for the Grupo Clarín and representative of the Master's in Journalism from Universidad de San Andrés as moderator. The second table, made up of representatives from organizations which collaborate with IDEC activities in Argentina counted on the presence of Daniela Gutiérrez, from the London School of Economics and Political Science; Alejandro Leciñana, from CONUAR S.A.; Diego Liberti, from Danone Argentina S.A.; and Juan Miguel Thurburn, from Novartis Argentina. Victoria Mendizábal, academic co-ordinator on IDEC's Postgraduate Programme in Scientific, Medical and Environmental Communication acted as moderator. The closing ceremony was led by Pau Verrié, general director of IDEC.

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