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ARGENTINA: V Annual Seminar of the Advisory Board of Argentina

1 Septiembre - 2010
On 30 June at the Hotel Palacio Duhau in Buenos Aires, the V Annual Seminar of the Advisory Board of Argentina of IDEC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra took place under the title ?Financing of infrastructure and public-private associations?. The session was opened by the chair of the Advisory Board, J. Pérez Alati, and the representative of IDEC in Argentina, Daniel Vitali.

The seminar was structured around two round tables. The first, moderated by Armando Guibert, from Deloitte Argentina, included the participation of Miquel Puig, associate lecturer at Pompeu Fabra University; Eduardo De Bonis, partner at Deloitte & Toc Corporate Finance S.A; Sergio Iván Campos, representative of the Inter-American Development Bank, and Alejandra Caballero from Banco Ciudad.

In the second, moderated by Martin Etchevers, from the Clarín Group, national and international experiences were presented on public-private association matters with the participation of Ramón Espelt, from Deloitte España, Gustavo Lupetti, from Aeropuertos Argentinas 2000, Alfredo Garay, from the Corporación Antiguo Puerto Madero, and Augusto Valentinis, from Banco Santander Río.

The closure was led by the general director of IDEC, Pau Verrié.

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