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UPF-BSM students win an award in the ACCID Congress case contest

4 Junio - 2021
Premi Accid UPF-BSM

Students of the Master of Science in Management have won an award in the ACCID Congress case contest. Specifically, the jury has decided to award in second place the BMW Group Case with the Best Case Study Award given to those who have made a case study, preferably real, related to accounting or business management, and that for its importance, originality, implications or contributions deserve special recognition.

The winning students are Kiona Oberé, Elisabeth Hanousek, Filippo Bolini and Danielle Kotter who have written the case under the supervision of Professor Oriol Amat.

Students celebrate the award and say it "means a lot to the whole team." In this sense, they comment that “with the wide variety of skills that each member of the group contributed to the table, we managed to produce an award-winning work. It was probably this diversity of the team that helped us succeed. "

"The analysis of the BMW case has given us the opportunity not only to get an overview of the automotive sector, but also to get an intensive view of the company. Thanks to our deep immersion in the company and the analysis at different levels, not only accounting, but also from the perspective of management, we have learned the complex that is to analyze a business and that there are several points of view" , the students explain.

Students highlight the tools and learnings they have acquired in doing this work: “In the perspective of the future, the techniques and tools we have developed in the approach of the company report will benefit our career after obtaining the master's degree. It is always very useful to know how to do this analysis in a professional way and what factors are essential".

In addition, the award winners fully recommend the experience: “In any case, we would recommend future students to participate in the ACCID awards. After all, apart from the academic success we have achieved through our work, it is also a great honor for us to be recognized by an independent committee".

At the same time, the team wants to "thank Professor Oriol Amat who helped us achieve this success and encouraged us to participate in the competition."

The award ceremony took place this Friday, June 4, at the UPF-BSM on the occasion of the IX ACCID Congress.

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