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Blockchain: the technology that will change the world

5 Abril - 2019
  • Luz Parrondo, Santi Casas and Felipe Lopez speak about Blockchain, DLT technologies and their application in the business world in the Masterclass: Business Opportunities and Challenges with Blockchain

The Koiné venue at UPF Barcelona School of Management-Pompeu Fabra University was filled for the Masterclass 'Business Opportunities and Challenges with Blockchain'. Businesspeople, entrepreneurs and students attended the session. A masterclass was held to present the new Postgraduate Course in Blockchain and other DLT technologies, which will be taught from October at UPF Barcelona School of Management. The session was led by Luz Parrondo, the academic director of the postgraduate course, together with the experts in Blockchain and DLT technologies Santi Casas and Felipe Lopez. Casas is also an expert in digital identity and CEO of Validated ID. Felipe Lopez is managing director of Izertis and an expert in digital transformation.

The speakers and much of the audience agreed that Blockchain is going to change the world. Santi Casas compared it with the development of the internet. "In 1994 nobody could have imagined that nowadays we would all carry an interface in our pockets, a smartphone. Today we are also incapable of imagining what we will be capable of doing in the future with Blockchain technology. But what we do know is that it will change the world."

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