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UPF Barcelona School of Management celebrates the Chinese New Year

28 Enero - 2022
Año nuevo chino

The China Global Strategy of UPF Barcelona School of Management (UPF-BSM) has celebrated the arrival of the Year of the Tiger with an event at the school. The meeting featured several performances in honor of traditional Chinese culture and served, at the same time, to convey a message of congratulations from the UPF-BSM community for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. 

The act started with the words of the Vice-rector for Internationalization of Pompeu Fabra University, Antoni Luna, who wished to congratulate the Asian country for the new year and wished it great success in the olympic games: "With today's act we want to recognize this country and its culture". Luna has added a wish for the new year: "Continue working to build bridges between both countries by connecting talent." 

The president of the Union of Chinese Associations in Spain, Chuenping Lam , has followed him with his parliament, and has expressed that he hopes that the Chinese New Year, the year of the tiger, will be the end of the pandemic. "The International Olympic Committee has added to its motto Stronger, Higher, Faster the concept More United. We also believe that together we are capable of making a better world", added Lam. 

Next, the Consul General of the P.R. of China in Barcelona, ​​Zhu Jingyang, thanked UPF-BSM for the act of approaching Chinese culture and wished "Catalan friends and students happiness and prosperity in the Chinese New Year". Jingyang has continued referring to the games: “I think that, in a version of the winter games, Beijing is going to offer something that deserves our expectations. It will be a green, open and clean event, China will offer a simple, safe and exciting Olympics, ”he has concluded. 

The Regional Minister for Foreign Action and Govern Obert, Victòria Alsina, followed, stating that Catalonia wants even closer relations with the Chinese community that lives here: “A community with a solid economic and social fabric with which we will continue walking together”. 

“This year, among the many ties we have with China, we have the Winter Olympics, which begin in Beijing on the 4th, as Catalonia prepares its candidacy for 2030, one more connection between China and Catalonia”, affirmed the Minister, who thanked the invitation and congratulated the attendees for the new year. 

The act has continued with artistic and musical performances, which have been given by students and alumni of the school. The attendees have been able to enjoy the Songs of the Spring Festival in charge of students of the class of 2022 Ying Chen, Master in Accounting & Financial Management Student and Jiaxin Xao, Master in Marketing Student; a musical performance on cello and piano of a traditional Chinese song by the UPF student, Agathe Casals, and Josep M. Galí, Vicedean for Development & Partner Program; and the traditional Lantern Riddles, with Liu Zhang, Master in Accounting & Financial Management Student and Keyu Zhu, Master in Marketing Student.

The event also screened the Congratulations for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics that UPF-BSM has prepared for the occasion. 

Finally, the closing ceremony was given by Qianying-Núria Zhou, Executive Director of China Global Strategy, who expressed her joy at being able to celebrate this New Year's event at the school and celebrated being able to "go back to contemplate the confluence between the Olympic spirit and Chinese culture” with the celebration of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

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