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The UPF-BSM hosts a discussion on post-covid opportunities between China, Catalonia and Spain

5 Marzo - 2021

The president of the Union of Chinese Associations in Spain, Lam Chueng Ping, shared with the students his experience of more than 50 years in the business sector in Catalonia and Spain

庞培法布拉大学UPF-BSM商学院邀请了西班牙知名华商、西班牙华侨华人社团联谊总会林传平主席作为主讲嘉宾,周倩莹 (Núria Zhou庞培法布拉法学、工商管理双学位、UPF-BSM法学硕士校友作为助讲嘉宾。为在校学生讲述了后疫情时代,中国、加泰罗尼亚和西班牙之间的商业机会。

UPF-BSM 感谢他们的合作,并且有坚定的意愿想要与华人有进一步的合作。

The UPF Barcelona School of Management has organised a conference for students with the President of the Union of Chinese Associations in Spain, Lam Chueng Ping, on Commercial and cultural opportunities post covid-19 between China, Catalonia and Spain. The event featured the participation of the Director of the Department of Business & Management Strategy of the UPF-BSM, Carolina Luis Bassa, and the student of the Master's Degree in Law and alumni of the double degree of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in MBA and Law, Núria Zhou. The Director General of the School, José M. Martínez-Sierra, was also present.

The wide experience of Mr Lam in the business sector has helped to provide the public with a better understanding of China's entrepreneurial character and its great resilience over the centuries. "History has made us this way", Mr Lam remarked, as he recounted the struggles that the Chinese community has had to face in order to promote projects around the world.

"History has made us this way", Mr Lam remarked, as he recounted the struggles that the Chinese community has had to face in order to promote projects around the world

Relations between Catalonia and Spain and China have been a longstanding reality for decades, but the pandemic has opened up new avenues to be explored. In this regard, Mr Lam pointed out that, in a short time, "there will be more than 200 million university students in China" who will be looking for business opportunities all over the world, including in our region. The UPF-BSM is commited to continue working to assist these young people in fulfilling their educational career and to promote them in their professional future.

UPF-BSM is grateful for the collaboration of Mr. Lam and the student Núria Zhao.

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