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Course 2020/21: welcome to hybrid teaching

17 Julio - 2020

We have everything ready!

Conexión profesional
We adapt to the situation of the COVID19 and the needs of the students.
Conexión profesional
Social Distance
Classes with maximum measures of safety, hygiene and social distance recommended.
Ecosistema multidisciplinar
Hybrid teaching

Classroom technology for face-to-face and remote teaching simultaneously.

Welcome to the new classroom.
Where everyone is present.

At the UPF Barcelona School of Management we are prepared to start the course 2020-2021 with the maximum teaching and health guarantees.

We have therefore adapted not only the pedagogical criteria of our programs, but also the classrooms and the technological systems. We have also prepared our teaching staff specifically for the coming academic year, so that all our participants can carry out their learning as normally as possible.

The teaching will be conducted with in-person classes, as long as it is compatible with the local health situation and the guidelines of university authorities. The classrooms will have all the necessary equipment to comply with the measures recommended by health officials. For those participants who are not able to physically attend, there will be a live broadcast of the class that will make the experience as realistic as possible.

We guarantee that the academic content and the interaction of the participants with their classmates and teachers will be carried out with the same quality parameters in both cases.

Based on the experience acquired during these months of lockdown, the management and the technical teams of the UPF-BSM have prepared for various teaching scenarios in order to react quickly to any possible restrictions on physical attendance that a future health situation may raise.

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