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The UPF Barcelona School of Management organizes a course on the Next Generation funds

4 Noviembre - 2021
Next Generation

The UPF Barcelona School of Management (UPF-BSM) co-organizes the course Los fondos europeos para la recuperación de la economía española: fundamentos y guía para su solicitud together with the General Foundation of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (FGUCM).

The European Union's reconstruction fund for alleviating the effects of the crisis of Covid-19, called Next Generation EU, is endowed with EUR 75 billion. Spain is the EU's second largest country to benefit from the distribution of European funds.

A total of EUR 140,000 million could be made available for the country. This 20-hour online course aims to give the key information for the application of the Next Generation funds with prestige speakers of all levels, from the European Union to the local space.

According to the general director of the UPF-BSM, José M. Martínez-Sierra,” accessing these funds is key to the country's economic recovery and business competitiveness. Given the lack of structured information on these issues, it is true that this training will be of great interest".

First Level Speakers

On 12 November, the course will be inaugurated at the headquarters of Foment del Treball with the participation of the Minister of Labour, Felix Bolaños, the rector of UCM, Joaquín Goyache, the rector of the UPF, Oriol Amat, the president of Foment, Josep Sánchez-Llibre, the president of CEIM, Miguel Garrido 0r and the general director of Legal Affairs of the European Commission, Daniel Calleja.

This days will bring together specialized personalities in the management of European funds and Next Generation. Among the participants are the Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, the Minister of Social Security, José Luis Escrivá, or the president of the Foundation CEOE, Fátima Báñez.

For three weeks, from 11 to 25 November, policies of ecological transition, re-industrialisation, digitisation, taxation or labour will be addressed.

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