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11 Junio - 2020

Bases and regulations for the first call for aids to UPF-BSM students affected by the COVID-19

1. Scope of applicability

1.1 Covid-19 has affected most entities and individuals in a very negative way. There are people from the University Community of the School who can face difficulties that seriously affect their economy. For this reason, the School has decided to mobilize resources to contribute, at least modestly, to improving the situation.

These aids are addressed to UPF-BSM students who have been enrolled in official and own postgraduate studies and master's degrees during the 2019-2020 academic year, and provided that the program has been undertaken at the time of publication of Royal Decree 463/2020 on the declaration of the state of alarm.

1.2 Aids from this First Call will be awarded only once.

2. Financing

2.1 UPF-BSM ensures the provision of a minimum of € 100,000 for the operation of this aid.

2.2 Contributions made by individuals (teachers, School management staff, students, alumni and others) or legal bodies (members of the School Board of Trustees and other organizations) shall also be added, the purpose of which is to provide such aid.

3. Types of aid

3.1 The details of aid are as follows:

  • Delivery of an economic amount as a contribution to the targeted students for the acquisition of the necessary technological devices to be able carry out distance learning (tablet, computer or wifi) or for similar purposes.
  • Delivery of an economic amount as a compensation for health expenses (Covid-19 disease) not covered by the Social Security.
  • Delivery of an economic amount to compensate for the aid not received due to the interruption of curricular internships in companies.

The amount of the aid will depend on each case, but it is estimated between 500 and 2,000 euros per beneficiary student, depending on the financial situation of the applicant and the limited nature of the available aid fund, as considered by the selection committee.


The aid will be subject to the corresponding withholding tax.

4. Requirements

Applicants who wish to apply for these aids must meet the following requirements:

4.1 To be studying official or own postgraduate studies or master's degree at the UPF-BSM during the 2019-2020 academic year that has been affected by the publication of Royal Decree 463/2020 declaring the state of alert (students enrolled in programs completed before the state of alert was declared are not eligible for this aid programme).

4.2 Prove that your financial situation during the last quarter of the 2019-2020 academic year has been altered by the COVID-19 crisis due to causes such as unemployment, impact on the family unit, etc.

4.3 The fulfillment of the conditions and requirements set out in the call will not necessarily imply the concession of the aid, which is subject to budget availability.

5. Application

5.1 Students who want to apply for this aid must submit their request from the date of publication of the call and no later than June 30, 2020.

5.2 The call, which will include the corresponding application form, will be published on the UPF-BSM website and the application will have to be submitted, together with supporting documentation, via e-mail at the following address: ajutscovid19@bsm.upf.edu

6. Documentation

6.1 Applicants must provide the following documentation:

- Photocopy of their DNI, NIE or passport.

- Enough documentation accrediting the financial situation: document issued by an official/state body certifying the unemployment situation, death certificate of one of the family unit breadwinners, or other documents, when applicable.

-Bank account number and certificate of tittle of that bank account.

6.2 Applicants may provide reports from Social Services justifying the alleged economic situation, or any other document they consider appropriate.

7. Selection procedure

7.1 The submitted applications will be analysed by a Selection Committee set up with this purpose and that will be composed by the Managing Director, the General Secretary, and the Head of Administration and Finance.

7.2 The Selection Committee will establish an order of priority of the applications in view of the situation of serious family economic difficulties and will determine the modality of aid to be granted to each application.7.3 The Selection Committee will decide on applications within a maximum of 15 working days after the deadline for submission of applications. If no decision is taken within this period, the application shall be deemed to be dismissed.

7.4 The resolution will be communicated individually by e-mail. The resolution will indicate the amount granted or the reason for rejection of the application, as appropriate.

7.5 The Selection Committee is entitled to decide on all issues not covered by these bases.

8. Authorisation to obtain data

The submission of the application for this aid requires authorising the UPF-BSM to obtain and compare the necessary data with the public bodies, universities or higher education centres that correspond in each case, with the aim of resolving the procedure.

9. Communications to applicants

Communications with applicants shall be made only by means of the email address provided in the application.

Las comunicaciones con las personas solicitantes se harán únicamente mediante la dirección de correo electrónico que los interesados hayan hecho constar en la solicitud.

10. Data protection

10. 1.- Basic information on Data Protection.

10.1.1.- Responsible party: the responsible party of the personal data of the applicant and/or beneficiary is "FUNDACIÓN INSTITUTO DE EDUCACIÓN CONTINUA" (hereinafter, "FUNDACIÓN IDEC" or "UPF-BSM "), private foundation holder that owns the private higher education teaching centre, which is affiliated to the , Pompeu Fabra University, and under the name "Barcelona School of Management," with registered office in Barcelona, C/Balmes, 132,134, 08008 and with the following contact email for personal data protection purposes: rgpd@bsm.upf.edu

10.1.2 Purposes and legitimacy:

UPF-BSM will process the personal data of the applicants and / or beneficiaries, by virtue of the execution of these legal bases, for the following purposes:

  • To analyse the suitability of the applicant and be able to carry out an allocation process for the possible granting of the aid.
  • To make the corresponding payment in case the aid is granted.
  • To comply with the rights and obligations that the aid implies for UPF-BSM and for the beneficiary.

10.1.3.- Recipients: the personal data of the applicants and/or beneficiaries will not be transferred to third parties, except as required by law, or if necessary and provided thatsuch access and processing of data is essential for the provision of a specific service in the UPF-BSM. IN any case, the UPF-BSM will subscribe to the corresponding data responsible contract with each one of these third parties, who will process data exclusively for the purposes specified in each case.

10.1.4.- Data conservation: the personal data of the applicants and/or beneficiaries will be kept throughout the period for which the aid is granted under this call for proposals and for the duration of the rights and obligations assumed by the UPF-BSM and the beneficiary as described in these legal bases. And once this period has expired, they will be stored for the period necessary to comply with applicable legal obligations.

10.1.5.-Rights: Data subjects may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, restriction of processing, data portability and opposition at any time.

To exercise this rights, the interested party may send their request attached with a copy of their DNI card, passport or other valid document that identifies them, to C/ Balmes 132-134, 08008, Barcelona; or through the following e-mail address: rgpd@bsm.upf.edu

In any case, the interested party has the right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency if he or she deems it appropriate.

10.2.- Additional information: additional information can be obtained from the privacy policy of UPF-BSM published on the following website: https://www.bsm.upf.edu/ca/politica-de-privacitat

11. Revocation of aid

The Selection Committee may revoke the aid if there is evidence for data falsification or unfulfillment of the requirements for this call.


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