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Recognition to the best Master's/ Postgraduate Theses or projects 2019/2020

18 Diciembre - 2020

The UPF Barcelona School of Management celebrates the act of acknowledgement of the Masters or Postgraduate theses of the course 2019/2020. This year, the UPF-BSM Awards for the best master's/postgraduate theses or projects will be held virtually in an online event to highlight the effort and excellence of the more than 90 works presented in the seven categories.

Award for the best research project


  • Aproximación al futuro de la auditoría de cuenta by Adrià Garcia Casellas, Beverly Roxana Bazurto Castro, Carla Ramírez Regolf, students of the Master in Auditing and Financial Management.

Second prizes:

  • How are companies currently reporting their CSR indicators? by Sebastián Prieto Goico, student of the Master of Science in Management.
  • Criminalidad corporativa en la era del compliance: una aproximación penal y criminológica a la ciberdelincuencia by Montserrat González Martínez, student at the Master in Economic Criminal Law and Compliance.
  • Propuesta de política pública para reducir la segregación escolar en Chile by Priscila González Yáñez, student at the Master in Public and Social Policies.

Award for the best knowledge transfer project

Winners ex aequo:

  • DCEP & RMB internationalization. Can DCEP enhance the convenient payment in Africa? by Min Teng i Quinamei Zhang, students of the Master of Science in International Business.
  • Evaluación de modelos para estimar la curva de rendimientos. Una aplicación con machine learning a la deuda pública de Colombia realitzat by Jesús David Rincón Coral, student at the Master in Banking and Finance.

Second prizes:

  • Estudio de administración y aplicación en un caso real by Francesc Hurtado Satorres, student of the Master in Accounting and Financial Management. Specialization in International Finance and Accounting.
  • Plan de marketing: CUICK by Sara Bertrán Llovera, student of the Master in Marqueting.

Award for the best gender project


  • Romper estereotipos. La imagen de las mujeres árabe-musulmanas en El País, La Repubblica y CNN by Diana Bohórquez, Sally Jabiel, Sebastiano Santoro, students of the Master in Political and International Journalism.

Award for the best cultural project


  • De molécula a medicamento: El largo viaje de un nuevo fármaco realitzat per Daniela Gabriela Diez Uribe, estudiant del Màster en Comunicació Científica, Mèdica i Ambiental.

Second prizes:

  • Creación y análisis de la antología 'El fingimiento y las máscaras: Una antología sobre jugar a ser ¿lo que no se es?' realitzat per Paula Colmenares León, estudiant del Màster en Traducció Literària i Audiovisual.

Award for the best interdisciplinary project

Not awarded.

Award for the best innovative business initiative


  • Healthy Cooking by Jessica Dávila Llaguno, student of the Master of Science in Management.

Award for the best ethics, social responsibility, planetary well-being, or similarly-themed project

Winners ex aequo:

  • Memòria d'informació no financera 2020. Incasòl by Javier Casanova López, Sandra Costa and Alfons Rossell, students of the Postgraduate Course on Management of Social Responsibility.
  • Acuerdo de París: Importancia para la industria energética y la economía internacional by Ángela María Acosta Reina, student of the Master in International Business.
  • Plan de márqueting para Sonrisas de Bombay by María José Almeida Ayala, student of the Master in Marqueting.
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