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Events in which IDEC has taken part

1 Septiembre - 2010
On July 13th of this year, IDEC took part in the one-day meeting ?Capturing female talent for organisations of the future? organised by the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce. This act, which was celebrated as part of the programme entitled ?Women/Business/Economy?, served as a debate to reflect on what needs to be done to attract female talent. IDEC was represented by Carme Martinell, who took part in the business schools round table which held a debate regarding the responsibility of business schools in the values of future businesses.

On July 13th of this year the IDEC Auditorium played host to a one-day meeting entitled ?The advantages of contracting persons with other capacities?, organised by AEDIPE and the Fundación Prevent. This act was chaired by Pau Verrié and inaugurated by Montserrat Moré, director of the Fundación Prevent and Ricard Alfaro, president of AEDIPE Catalunya, and offered the experience of various businesses and institutions, who explained how the existence of a disability does not have to signify an exclusive element in finding the best talent.

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