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#FAKEYOU, the report on fake news from the Postgraduate Course in Technopolitics is released

22 Marzo - 2019
  • The report proposes greater verification and less censorship as a strategy against disinformation

The report #FAKEYOU - Fake news and disinformation: monopolies of news manipulation and restrictions on freedom of expressionhas just been published and has caused a stir on the net. The publication was produced in collaboration between the Xnet platform and students on the Postgraduate Course in Technopolitics and Rights in the Digital Era at UPF Barcelona School of Management-Pompeu Fabra University, together with the Wainwright Reform Trust, a British organisation that defends freedom and democracy.

The #FAKEYOU report was written in response to the proposals by senior European Union officials to regulate and restrict the internet in order to protect citizens from disinformation. Simona Levi, the report's coordinator and co-director of the postgraduate course explains that the document was produced with the intention of tackling the problem of fake news and disinformation "without jeopardising the values of human rights and democracy". The report contains a compilation of research and data gathered to dismantle the argument that the internet should be regulated in order to protect the public from disinformation. "If we want less disinformation we need more and better democracy and less technophobia and criminalisation of freedoms," Levi says.

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