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First edition of the Master in Genetic Counselling

1 Mayo - 2008

Last January saw the start of the first edition of the Master in Genetic Counselling. The aim of this two-year programme is to train genetic counsellors, who are a key element in health care. Training includes, on the one hand, in-depth theoretical knowledge in medical genetics, and on the other, multidisciplinary professional training to receive and inform patients and their families, with a particular awareness of psycho-social, educational, emotional, biological and medical aspects of genetically based illnesses and the specific problems of the patients and families who suffer or who are at risk of suffering from them. In all cases the work of the genetic counsellor falls within the framework of medical genetics teams which are directed by medical professionals. The characteristics of these types of programmes and accreditation requirements are fully outlined in the corresponding places in the North American Council for Genetic Counselling.

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