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Four UPF degrees, considered the best in Spain

11 Mayo - 2012

The Pompeu Fabra University stays in ninth position overall and eighth among public universities, the same positions it held last year, in the ninth "50 degrees" ranking of El Mundo newspaper.

This classification, which assesses all Spanish public and private universities, shows the 50 degrees most in demand by students last June and the five best universities in which to take them.

The ranking assesses a total of fifteen degrees from among the 21 offered by the UPF, of which four come in first position, two second, a further two fourth and one in fifth place.

This indicates that 60% (nine) of the degrees assessed are among the top five of the ranking. With these overall results, the UPF consolidates the good line of the previous rankings and remains stable in the leading positions.

> Ranking in which only the UPF degrees appear (pdf document, 9 pages)
> Complete "50 degrees" ranking (pdf document, 23 pages)

Comparison in relation to the previous year’s ranking

Despite maintaining the same overall position, the results vary slightly in relation to last year:

  • From among the five degrees which were in first place last year, four maintain this position: Political and Administration Sciences, Economics, Finance and Accounting (in the UPF this is equivalent to the degree in Business Sciences-Management) and Labour Relations.
  • Audiovisual Communication goes down from first to second position in the ranking, a place still held by the degree in Business Management and Administration.
  • Law stays in fourth place, the same position held by Journalism, which goes up one place in relation to last year’s ranking. The degree in Translation and Interpretation loses one position and comes fifth.

These results are especially important if we take into account that, from among the 50 degrees analysed by the ranking, fifteen out of the total 21 degrees taught by the UPF were assessed, which certifies the high overall level of the courses offered by the University.

El Mundo ranking selection criteria

El Mundo’s report, which is in its twelfth year, presents the data for the best 48 Spanish universities, the public ones dominating the classification (almost 80% of the centres included in the ranking belong to the public system).

Twenty-five assessment criteria, distributed in three main sections, were considered. The first section is a questionnaire for lecturers from all over Spain (with a weighting of 40%); the second section collects data from the university itself – university demand, human resources, physical resources, syllabus, results and context information - (which represent 50% of the final assessment).

Finally, different external indicators are also taken into account, and are worth 10% overall. These include results of international rankings, reports by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain (ANECA), self-assessment reports of the centres, or results from reports by Spanish universities, among others.

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