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The Barcelona Bar Association awards four UPF-BSM students

17 Febrero - 2023

Marta Terradas, David Irazábal, Sira Torras and Mónica Moraleja, awarded in different categories of the Future Lawyers of Barcelona Special Prize.

Four students of the Master’s Degree in Law at UPF Barcelona School of Management (UPF-BSM) have been awarded the Future Lawyers of Barcelona Special Prize, an initiative organized by the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB), together with the Barcelona Young Lawyers Group (GAJ Barcelona) and Alter Mutua de los Abogados y Abogadas.

The UPF-BSM students who were awarded, two winners and two finalists, were Marta Terradas Borràs, who took the Prize for the Best Access Qualification to the Profession of Lawyer, David Néstor Irazábal Martínez, finalist in the same category, Sira Torras Serrat, awarded with the Best Academic Degree, and Mónica Moraleja Mellado, finalist in the category of Best Master’s Degree Final Project in Criminal Law. The Prize, which is in its third year, is for students of official master's degrees to access professional legal practice, which are taught in different universities in Barcelona.

The award ceremony took place on 24 January, at the Palauet Casades, headquarters of the Barcelona Bar, and was inaugurated by the Dean of the ICAB, Jesús M. Sánchez, who highlighted the value and effort of the participating students, as demonstrated by the technical quality of the works presented, as well as the scientific quality of Catalan universities to train professionals capable of driving the future forward.

Next, the Vice-President of Alter Mutua de los Abogados y Abogadas, Carme Adell, stressed the importance of promoting joint initiatives to guarantee the interests and rights of lawyers. She also thanked the universities and students for their involvement, inviting them to form part of these institutions and discover the work that is carried out to protect the interests of the collective and promote initiatives, such as the Prize itself, in recognition of the profession.

After that, the president of GAJ Barcelona, Alexander Salvador, highlighted the importance of these awards in affirming effort, improvement and talent as values among young people, in addition to the social spirit that must always characterize the practice of law.

Finally, the general director of Law, Legal Entities and Mediation of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Immaculada Barral, closed the event, underlining the recognition that the Prize gives to students after finishing their studies, the excellent academic preparation provided by the participating universities, and linking Law to the current situation.

The Future Lawyers of Catalonia Special Prize is granted to the best academic records and best master's degree projects in the fields of criminal, civil-commercial, labour and administrative law of those students who have completed an official master’s degree to access professional legal practice. The award includes membership rights and one year of ICAB fees, registration as a member with Alter Mutua, and a discount.

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