On 22 and 23 June the second Global Forum of the PRME network took place in New York. In December 2008 a worldwide network was created of business schools and higher education institutions, including IDEC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, to foster incorporation into study programmes and plans and a set of principles defining responsible training within the field of management, with an undertaking to present every 18 months the balance of activities carried out. The II Global Forum was the occasion to do so and concluded with a joint statement made by the more than 300 institutions from 62 countries currently forming part of PRME which have incorporated the principles into 12,000 education programmes. IDEC was represented by its general director , Pau Verrié. The statement established that companies should promote social and environmental values and an undertaking on the return to its members, and that education institutions should train leaders encouraging economic development and social equality.