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IDEC collaboration agreements

1 Septiembre - 2010

Over the last few months, IDEC has signed collaboration agreements with various institutions for delivering to and disseminating among its various collectives of different postgraduate courses. Of note is the agreement with the Consorci de Biblioteques de Barcelona, a local body formed by Barcelona Town Hall and the Diputació de Barcelona, in relation to the postgraduates on Museum Management: how a museum works, and on Social Animation and Community Development: Project Management, and the agreement with the Il·lustre Col·legi Oficial de Graduats Socials de Barcelona in relation to the postgraduate courses comprising the Master's in Labour Law and in Social Animation and Community Development: Project Management. Another agreement worth mentioning is that signed with the Centre de producció de les arts en viu L'Estruch in relation to the Postgraduate in Digital Technology for the Stage. Throughout the course, the participants will carry out work experience in production studios at the centre and will have access to the material of the MediaEstruch department throughout the final project, which will be scheduled within the l'Estruch theatre programme.

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