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IDEC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra participated in the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit 2010

1 Septiembre - 2010
IDEC, together with other participating institutions, was invited to the PRME Global Forum meeting organised by the United Nations Global Compact, with the participation of 1,000 business leaders and civil society from around the world, held in New York on 24 and 25 June, under the slogan "Constructing a new sustainable age", including the participation of the general director of IDEC, Pau Verrié.

The opening session was chaired by the UN Secretary General Mr Ban Ki Moon, and by the Mayor of New York Mr Michael Bloomberg. The purpose of the meeting was to raise the role of responsibility of businesses and investments connected to the necessary more sustainable and inclusive transformation of markets. The meeting also marketed the tenth anniversary of the Global Compact, held at a critical moment in the history of world economics, requiring a greater than ever level of commitment to responsibility and leadership in order to promote global integration, sustainable development, the protection of the planet and the maintaining of world peace.

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