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José M. Martínez-Sierra, new General Director of the UPF Barcelona School of Management

22 Febrero - 2021
José M. Martínez-Sierra

"With modesty and hard work, together, we will make the UPF-BSM an internationally recognised and respected World Class School of Management"


José M. Martínez-Sierra has started this 2021 as the new General Director of the UPF Barcelona School of Management. Martínez-Sierra arrives at the School after almost a decade at Harvard University and has previously led national and international higher education.

Martínez Sierra is a political scientist, sociologist, lawyer and Doctor of Law (Doctor Europeus), obtained his tenure at the Complutense University of Madrid in 2003 and was awarded a Jean Monnet Chair in European Law in 2004. During his stay at Harvard, he served as faculty director of the RCC at this university and developed multiple activities and initiatives in all vertices of the knowledge triangle in the United States of America, having been recognised for his teaching excellence at Harvard College, leading relevant study groups, obtaining international competitive projects and the prestigious Jean Monnet ad Personam Chair in European Union Law and Government, who joins him at the UPF Barcelona School of Management. Previously, Martínez-Sierra had held several important positions in the Government of Spain, including adviser to two Ministers responsible for the Education portfolio, General Director of the Agency for the Internationalisation of Spanish Universities and General Director for International Relations in the Spanish Ministry of Education.

The Rector of the University and President of the UPF Barcelona School of Management, Jaume Casals, in a letter introducing the new General Director to the UPF-BSM community, has stated that "I have no doubts that with the incorporation of José Manuel in the leadership of our team, we will achieve the ambitious goal of turning the UPF Barcelona School of Management into a world-class, internationally recognised and respected School. I am convinced that everyone shares the satisfaction of this decisive incorporation, as well as our determination to give you all the support you need in such an important challenge".

The Dean of UPF-BSM, Professor Oriol Amat, highlighted his energy and ability to adapt on all fronts: the Catalan language, the philosophy of the School and the coordination with the current team. "I am especially pleased with the agreement that José Manuel and I have in relation to the strategic importance that international accreditations and the internationalisation of the faculty will have in the future of our School", added the Dean.

Professor Andreu Mas-Colell, as a member of the UPF-BSM International Advisory Council, explains that he has had "the opportunity to meet José Manuel as part of several activities at Harvard University. That is why I have checked first-hand his good work in such a demanding context of university excellence, which I know well".

The former Rector and member of the UPF-BSM Council, Professor Josep Joan Moreso, recalled: "I met José Manuel in the framework of state university policy, when I was leading the academic policy of the CRUE (Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities) and he held a senior position in the General State Administration. Then, I met him again as part of my research activities in the United States when he was at Harvard. Hence, having seen him act in different contexts and countries, I can say that we have incorporated the leadership we needed: versatile, highly qualified and highly internationalised".

The new CEO has held several positions of responsibility at Harvard University, as well as nationally and internationally

Martínez-Sierra has held several positions on international and national executive boards and in advisory positions in education, research and innovation. Among others, President of the European Union High Level Group on Education and Training Policies, member of the OCDE Education Policy Committee and President of the Bologna Follow-up Group. He was representative for Higher Education at UNESCO, a member of the Educative Goals 2021 of the Organization of Ibero-American States and of the Main Advisory Committee of the Andrés Bello Organization for the Latin American educational, scientific, technological and cultural integration. He has been President of the International Commission of the Campus of International Excellence Program and a member of the Spanish Council of Universities, the High Council of the European University Institute and the Fulbright Commission. As a knowledge manager, he has led and participated in various negotiations and implementations of international policies and projects in more than 50 countries and international organizations. These include the EU's Europe 2020 Strategy for Sustainable and Inclusive Smart Growth, the Educative Goals 2021 of the Organization of Ibero-American States, the Internationalisation Strategy of EU Universities and the EU's Social Dimension Strategy for Higher Education.

Now, together with Dean Oriol Amat, the new General Director takes the lead in the UPF-BSM. One of the priorities set by the new General Director is to boost the School's internationalisation strategy. In this regard, the UPF-BSM has recently received the AMBA accreditation and is preparing to obtain the EQUIS accreditation.

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