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Seven master's degree of the UPF Barcelona School of Management are among the best in Spain, according to El Mundo ranking

22 Junio - 2022

Seven UPF Barcelona School of Management master's degree are among the best in Spain in their categories in the 2022/2023 edition of the El Mundo ranking. These are the Master in Public and Social Policies, which remains in second place in the field of Political Science and Administration; the Master in Corporate and Strategic Communication, which moves up from 5th to 4th place in the Communication-Business Information category; the Master in Professional Legal Practice, the fifth best in the Law sector; and the Master of Science in Management, 5th in Business Administration and Management. 

The Master in Literary Creation is once again in the ranking, positioning itself as the third-best program in the Humanities-Letters category. The Master in Auditing and Financial Management and the Master in Brand Strategy and Creative Brand Management are included for the first time, ranking fifth in the Economics-Auditing and Communication-Adverstising and PR sectors, respectively. 

The Master in Public and Social Policies remains in second place in the Political Science and Administration category. 

"I am very proud that seven of our programs are considered the best in Spain in their fields, according to the El Mundo 2022 ranking", said the Director General of the UPF-BSM, Jose M. Martinez, who thanked the students of these master's degrees "for depositing their trust in our school". He also expressed his gratitude to the faculty staff for their "teaching excellence". "This recognition endorses the level of the UPF-BSM programs and confirms our commitment to offering quality higher education", stated.  

Reaching excellence

The Master in Public and Social Policies, jointly offered with Johns Hopkins University, holds second place in the ranking for the second consecutive year. Directed by Martinez and Rodrigo Cetina, Secretary General of the UPF-BSM, the program "deals in depth with all areas of current public policy", as highlighted by the ranking. 

On the other hand, El Mundo ranking has valued the opportunity that the Master in Corporate and Strategic Communication provides to students "developing projects as a result of real commissions from company communication directors".  The program, directed by Joan Francesc Cánovas and Carles Singla, has been part of the ranking since 2018.

The Master in Auditing and Financial Management and the Master in Brand Strategy and Creative Brand Management are in the El Mundo ranking for the first time

The program directed Jorge Carrión also entered the list in 2018, and despite not being mentioned in the 2021 edition, it is once again included in the ranking. The Master in Literary Creation stands out for its "connection between theory and practice, between literary writing and transmedia, with exercises and workshops linked to the scriptwriting of comics, series, internet, cinema, etc.".

In the field of law, the Master in Professional Legal Practice, directed by Ramon Ragués, remains in the fifth place in its category. The ranking highlighted that "its contents are developed in collaboration with six of the most prestigious law firms in Barcelona".

For the second consecutive year, the list has included the Master of Science in Management, co-directed by Anna Torres and Gert Cornelissen. "The program, which is taught entirely in English, is part of the international QTEM network and is accredited by AMBA", the ranking said.

The Master in Brand Strategy and Creative Brand, led by Xavier Ruiz Collantes and Jordi Torrents, has reached the ranking for the first time as "its professors are highly prestigious professionals in marketing, creativity and brand identity, who work for major clients", as stated in the report. The Master in Auditing and Financial Management, directed by the Vice-Dean for Research, Jordi Perramon, has also made its debut in the ranking, noting that "EY offers it to its professionals every year". "It is also offered by PwC corporations in Barcelona and part of KPMG Spain", they added. 

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