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Publishers of renown participate in the Master's in Publishing at IDEC

1 Septiembre - 2010
In recent months the Master's in Publishing at IDEC has held various acts with the attendance of publishers of international renown. On 26 April, coinciding with the Sant Jordi festivities, Jonathan Galassi, publisher and president of Farrar, Straus and Giroux (New York) delivered a conference in which he spoke on his experience in this great US publishing house. On Thursday 10 June, in collaboration with the Institut Ramon Llull (IRL), the publisher Edwin Frank (New York Review of Books Classics) and philologist and publisher Jaume Vallcorba (Quaderns Crema) delivered a conference on "The internationalisation of literature: translation and diversity". Finally, on 17 June, the closing session of the Master's in Publishing was held, this time led by Jorge Herralde, publishing director and president of the publishing house Anagrama, who gave a conference entitled "Anagrama: 40 years of publishing leadership".
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